There is almost no flu this year.May be due to coronavirus limitation
But this year, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports little influenza activity.
Linette Brammer, who heads the CDC’s national influenza surveillance program, is not yet ready to declare victory.
“We waited a little longer before we said we were completely out of the forest,” Brammer told CNN. “The flu can do strange things.”
“Currently, no country has a real increase in influenza. It’s very, very low everywhere,” Brammer said.
And at this point last year, 78 children died of the flu. Only one death from childhood influenza has been reported this year.
“Influenza activity is unusually low at this time, but it could increase in the coming months,” the CDC said on its website.
It’s not surprising that the precautions many Americans take to prevent the spread of the coronavirus also prevent the spread of the flu. Other respiratory viruses, including the flu and coronavirus, spread in a similar way-to the small particles of mucus and saliva that erupt when people cough, sneeze, talk, and even breathe.
These particles are picked up by people with their hands or fingers and fall onto a surface that can be moved to their nose, mouth, or eyes. They can also remain floating in the air and spread to poorly ventilated rooms. Alternatively, you can spray directly from one person or another.
Staying away, wearing a mask and avoiding crowded indoor situations all help slow spread, as well as frequent hand washing.
“Measures taken to delay or prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 may have affected the spread of other pathogens, including influenza. World travel, telecommuting, school closures, social distance. Measures, including significant reductions, and the use of face masks may have played a role, “said the CDC. “Less travel may have had an impact.”
Every year, hundreds of different viruses cause people to have flu-like symptoms. They include influenza, but also viruses such as adenovirus, rhinovirus, parainfluenza virus, metapneumovirus, respiratory syncytial virus or RSV. Next is the common cultivar coronavirus.
“The flu is very low, but all other respiratory viruses except Covid are also very low,” Brammer said. “There were a few rhinoviruses, but that’s it.”
The CDC emphasizes the need for influenza vaccination and is preparing figures for the number of Americans vaccinated against influenza this season. However, each year, only about half of those who should be vaccinated against the flu actually get the flu vaccine. The CDC recommends getting one from the age of 6 months, with a few exceptions.
And it’s never too late to get a flu shot, Brammer said.
There is evidence that people are not seeking proper medical care because they are afraid to catch the coronavirus in hospitals and clinics, or stress the already overwhelming health care system, but Brammer has a flu test Spread exactly-or its lack.
“Probably there are a little more tests than you would normally see in the low flu season,” she said.
This is good news at multiple levels. Doctors were very worried that both the flu and the coronavirus would spread in the winter. People can be infected with two viruses at once-and that would be serious. But the flu takes people to the hospital, which would have meant putting more pressure on the already stretched system.
One thing is certain, according to the CDC. The flu can surprise you.
It varies widely from year to year, and CDC infects everywhere between 9.3 million and 45 million people annually. Influenza kills 12,000 to 61,000 people annually and sends 140,000 to 810,000 to hospitals.
The flu season begins early in September or October. In other years, it can be late, picking up steam only in January and February. There may be two waves of flu, one strain may hit early and the second strain may hit late.
Brammer said there is some evidence that influenza activity, which has relaxed restrictions to control the coronavirus, is increasing in parts of Asia.
“When they loosen those measures, the flu will recur,” she said.
Influenza circulates all year round-it is usually only at very low levels in the summer, but there are no rules.
“I think I’ll stay on the edge of my seat,” she said. “The flu can start to develop. Keep your eyes open.”
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