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The hotel’s quarantine plan is on fire as the booking system remains down all night


The government-launched hotel quarantine program was blamed for the inability of travelers to book rooms a few days before the policy came into effect.

The online booking portal went down shortly after it started Thursday afternoon and is not scheduled to go back up until around 10am Friday.

The issue was branded “very worried” by workers who said the system “shows signs of failure from the beginning.”

A spokesman for the Ministry of Health said the portal would open “long before the hotel’s quarantine plan came into effect,” adding that “the website is currently working to fix minor technical issues.” It was.

British citizens or residents returning to the UK from 33 “Red List” countries will be required to spend 10 days at a government-designated hotel starting Monday.

Shadow Home Secretary Nick Thomas Simons said the minister must act urgently to restore and bring the booking website up and running.

He states: “More than a year after this pandemic occurred, and 50 days after the discovery of South African stocks, there is no excuse for the government to be even more incompetent in introducing hotel quarantine.”

Rory Boland, who is the editor? The trip said the government had to make sure there were enough hotel rooms available.

He added: “For forced hotel quarantine to be effective, the government has ensured that it has enough room to accommodate the arrival of the United Kingdom from the Red List countries, has been stuck abroad, and has been significantly stuck for other reasons. It is essential to save those who get out of their pockets. Their control. “

Interior Minister Priti Patel said police patrols would be strengthened at airports and ports when the new hotel quarantine regulations came into force.

According to guidance released Thursday, people will have to fly to any of the five designated airports and pay up to £ 1,750 for their stay, and the opportunity to leave the room for exercise is “not guaranteed”. “.

The Scotland Prime Minister said that all people arriving from abroad, not just from certain countries, will be subject to hotel quarantine starting next week, so even if the UK-wide agreement cannot be reached, the stricter restrictions will be maintained. It was.

Passengers arriving in the UK from certain countries starting Monday must be quarantined at the hotel (Ian Vogler / Daily Mirror / PA)
Passengers arriving in the UK from certain countries starting Monday must be quarantined at the hotel (Ian Vogler / Daily Mirror / PA)

Meanwhile, according to Sky News, the minister will discuss the Cabinet Office’s proposal on Friday and will introduce vaccines and test certificates for future overseas travel.

When asked about the report, a government spokesperson said: “The UK Government, like most countries, wants to open up travel abroad in a responsible, safe and fair way, and we continue to be guided by science.

“We want to make sure that we have an internationally recognized approach to making travel possible, and we are working closely with our international partners to do so.”

Over the weekend, Vaccine Minister Nadhim Zahawi said state-issued immune passports would not be distributed, but those vaccinated with the coronavirus would be given a written proof of vaccine status to the GP if needed for travel. You can ask.

The government said it plans to reach its goal of delivering vaccines to an estimated 15 million people in the top four priority groups, including front-line healthcare workers and people over the age of 70, by Monday.

However, parliamentarians warned that a lack of planning at Whitehall could impact the development of the next phase and jab in the next five priority groups (including those over 50) by the end of April. The goal is to reach 17.7 million people.

The Commons’ public spending committee warned that it was imperative not to lose momentum, and the minister responded to potential future developments, including the need for an annual vaccination program and the discovery of new variants of the virus. He said that the plan to do so needs to be implemented reliably.

On Thursday, Scottish Health Minister Jeane Freeman said work being done by Pfizer, one of the manufacturers of approved coronavirus vaccines, would reduce vaccine supply in all four UK countries.

However, Wales has achieved its goal of providing the coronavirus vaccine to all in the first four priority groups.

The first minister, Mark Drakeford, said on Friday that the milestone was a “really astounding effort” to deploy the country’s vaccine, and so far 684,097 people have seen the first vaccination.

Northern Ireland’s Prime Minister Arlene Foster also said the vaccination program is approaching a “significant milestone” and that one-quarter of adults in the region are expected to receive their first jab by the weekend. Said.

There may still be some advice and things, but I don’t think they are justified if you protect the most vulnerable groups in society, such as the legal restrictions that you can actually meet and go out with your family.

Mark Harper MP

Boris Johnson does not delay the schedule to ease the blockade, despite being warned by senior scientists about the risks that the virus still poses, as vaccine deployments have been successful so far. Faced with pressure from the Tories.

The Times reported that ministers are considering plans for people to wear face covers, separate meters for months, and carry out social distance measurements at least until autumn.

Mark Harper, chairman of the Tory Covid Recovery Group, skeptical of the blockade, said after vaccination of all people over the age of 50 and those in a state of health that would make people over the age of 16 vulnerable to the virus. Said that maintaining legal regulation is not justified.

He told the BBC Newscast Podcast: “At that point, I don’t think we can justify the legal restrictions at all.

“There may still be some advice and things, but in reality there are legal restrictions that allow you to meet your family and go out. If you protect the most vulnerable groups in society, they are not justified. I think.”

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