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AI predicts a “halt of infection” around April 20, but warns of catastrophe if social dispersal relaxes too quickly


AI predicts a
(Photo: Reuters) A staff member of a food delivery company sits on a chair at a social distance due to the outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) while waiting for a customer’s order at a shopping mall in Bangkok, Thailand.

Engineers at MIT trained an AI to accurately calculate the spread of COVID-19. It takes into account social distances from various governments and how quarantine orders and other standard epidemiological parameters have been dealt with.

AI predicted that someday next week, cases of US and Italian coronaviruses would start to level off. The good news is that it may not be a good idea for the US to reopen soon. If the quarantine measures are relaxed too soon, the country will be catastrophic.

MIT engineers trained the AI ​​with data from January to early March and matched April forecasts with actual statistics to ensure that the model could produce accurate results.

According to the team’s research report, they concentrated the data on Wuhan, Italy, South Korea and the United States. Next, we compared the role of quarantine and isolation measures in different countries in controlling the spread of the virus.

Their results showed that countries that immediately implemented quarantine and quarantine interventions and rigorous public health measures were able to stop the spread of the infection and prevent it from exponentially exploding.

This proves that the machine was able to accurately predict the curves for all countries for which it has data.

In addition, the data also “Stopping infection” Around April 20 Experienced in the United States, the epicenter of the pandemic. However, this does not mean that the government should still ease its implementation of quarantine and social distance.

This means social distances and quarantine measures are working and even better than the experts thought.

read: The NIH wants 10,000 volunteers to investigate the coronavirus epidemic in the United States.

While AI predicted a positive outlook for the pattern of virus spread, experts advised that relaxing quarantine measures would result in a surge in the number of cases. Efforts and all measures taken in the US since mid-March this year Everything may be wasted I returned to Square One.

Singapore has been instrumental in implementing quarantine measures and implementing social distance rules, allowing the curve to be completely flattened. However, as always, with inadequate advice and the resumption of business, the country’s case for COVID-19 has revived significantly.

What happens to Singapore may happen to them if the United States decides to lift the rule of social distance immediately.

According to the report from Huff post, The virus is “moderately infectious” and some people are silent carriers of the virus. Limiting the number of personal contacts also limits the spread of the virus.

Infection rates are highly dependent on the population density of cities such as New York City. The higher the population density, the more likely you are to come into contact with individuals and the more likely you are to infect others with the virus. Therefore, there is a higher probability or resurrection too.

read more: Flock immunity vs coronavirus: how it works and the role of vaccines in ending the pandemic

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