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Kelly Clarkson Showcases Her Slim Physique in Tiny Dress and Head-Turning New Look

Kelly Clarkson Showcases Her Slim Physique in Tiny Dress and Head-Turning New Look


Kelly Clarkson sported a range of different looks on this week's show, navigating the constantly changing weather in New York.

THE American IdoThe alum turned heads during Wednesday's episode of the show, wearing a timeless black mini dress, which she paired with chunky black heels, which elongated her legs.

Kelly wore her long blonde hair down in a straight hairstyle and bangs framing her cradled face. Her look was completed with miniature hoop earrings.

Kelly's other looks this week included an all-white ensemble featuring a waist-cinching jacket, paired with tiny shorts.

To end the week, she wore a monochrome maxi dress paired with a belt. Since moving to New York, Kelly has become something of a fashion icon and has a huge following who love to see what outfit she will wear each day on her award-winning talk show.

Kelly Clarkson on Wednesday's show, wearing a black mini dress © BNC
Kelly Clarkson on Wednesday's show, wearing a black mini dress

She doesn't just wear designer outfits, as the down-to-earth star has been spotted in a number of affordable pieces this year alone. In January, she wore a denim dress from VICI, which cost just $78, along with several other similarly priced pieces from the brand.

The brand was more than happy to see the American Idol alum wearing pieces from them, with Aimee Dudum, director of merchandising and marketing, declaring HELLO! : “We're thrilled that Kelly Clarkson recently became a fan of VICI! She's a style icon, so we're big fans of hers as well. Other recent celebrity fans of ours include Naomi Watts and Madison LeCroy. We have Looking forward to seeing the rest of VICI’s observations!”

Kelly Clarkson stars on her show© BNC
Kelly Clarkson stars on her show

Kelly's new outfits are made daily by celebrity stylist Micaela Erlanger, who also works with stars including Meryl Streep.

In a recent chat with HELLO!, her favorite stylist, Micaela, said of her style transformation: “It's a new look, it's a new year and it's a really exciting place to be. am really grateful that she trusts me and Hat, she trusts my eyes and we experiment and play a little more.

Kelly Clarkson also sported an all-white look earlier in the week
Kelly Clarkson also sported an all-white look earlier in the week

Kelly's new style was influenced by her move. She moved to the East Coast from Los Angeles in August with her two young children, River and Remi. Kelly – who rose to fame after winning the first season of American Idol in 2002 – began her daytime talk show in 2019.

It has gone from strength to strength and is the highest-rated talk show to debut in the last seven years. Kelly not only hosts the show, but also serves as its executive producer. Kelly shares her two children with ex-husband Brandon Blackstock and recently discussed the idea of ​​dating again during an episode of her talk show.

Kelly Clarkson attends SiriusXM Next Generation: Industry & Press Preview at Tisch Skylights at The Shed on November 8, 2023 in New York.© Getty Images
The American Idol alum has a fabulous sense of style

During a chat with the Today Show star, Hoda Kotb admitted she's only been on two dates in the past year since her breakup with ex-fiancé Joel Schiffman, and asked Kelly if she had done the same.

“Not at all,” the chat show host responded boldly. “Not even a little!” An intrigued Hoda asked her if she was curious to watch, to which Kelly replied, “I really love not having a man in my life. It's just too hard! There's too much work , plus the children, and being there for the children.” while you're at it.”

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