Coronavirus: How Canada is working to ensure that homeless people are vaccinated against COVID-19
Saskatoon-Proponents have specific plans to give homeless people preferential access to the vaccine, given that homeless people are more likely to become infected with COVID-19 and become seriously ill. Is urging public health workers to set up.
“They have to face the tough choice of going out on the streets-exposed to the cold-or staying indoors and exposed to COVID,” said Dr. Montigosh, Co-Chair of the Canadian Network, experiencing the homeless. The health and housing of those who are talking about your morning on CTV on Monday.
In Ontario, homeless people were 20 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 than the general public. You are 10 times more likely to enter the intensive care unit.Five times more likely to die within 21 days of a positive test, according to a study published in Canadian Medical Association Journal Open..
Therefore, Gauche emphasizes that this at-risk population requires specific strategies. Increasing as a result of a pandemic..
Prioritization is already underway after Montreal’s public health authorities began vaccination of the city’s homeless population last month. Officials there emphasize that health care workers and caregivers remain a top priority.
Last month toronto After that, he started a pilot project to vaccinate people at 100 shelters in the city. Dr. Stephen Juan of St. Michael’s Hospital, who is helping carry out the project with the city and several other organizations, said the initial deployment was “overall a great success.”
“The goal is to create a playbook so that people in shelters in the city can plan to go out to vaccinate,” he told the Canadian Press in January.
Despite an enthusiastic group of shelter residents and staff wishing to be vaccinated, fans found that a small number of residents refused the vaccine. But Gauche said there was a way to handle the hesitation.
He will be an “early adopter of vaccines” who can continue to “educate others about getting vaccines” to ambassadors who have lived experience of being homeless to groups and organizations in the field. I requested.
Gauche said another “very difficult” task was to track the homeless population and who was shot. However, this requires the help of a nurse who is a “familiar face” to the target group.
“”[They] It must provide them with a vaccine in the first place, “he urged, saying that they could help navigate the vaccine process and check in with them between doses.
“”[The homeless] The population has often faced serious trauma in the past, mental health concerns and distrust of the system, so having a nurse familiar with them can be a big win. “
Gauche explained that shelters, hospitals and organizations that coordinate vaccination deployments need to make sure that there are multiple points where homeless people may be encouraged to get vaccinated.
“This is because they are coming for a meal, for the night, interacting with the emergency department, being supervised, and vaccines are available when entering the system. Includes making sure there is [drug] Consumer service “.
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