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Covid US: Massachusetts CVS has over-vaccinated some patients

Covid US: Massachusetts CVS has over-vaccinated some patients


Multiple Patients at CVS Pharmacy Massachusetts The wrong dose of moderna was given Coronavirus Vaccine on Monday.

A CVS spokesman told that Ipswich’s drugstore, 30 miles from Boston, gave a dose of 0.3 milliliters (mL) instead of the correct 0.5 mL dose recommended by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It was.CDC).

This is 40 percent lower than the dose they were supposed to receive.

The number of patients affected by the error is unknown, but a spokesman described it as a “limited number.”

“We apologized for this incident and contacted all affected patients to answer any questions they might have,” said a spokesman.

“We reported it to the appropriate regulators and took the necessary steps to prevent this from happening again.”

CVS (pictured) in Ipswich, Massachusetts, administered the wrong dose of the model nacoronavirus vaccine to “a limited number of patients” on Monday.

The patient was given a dose of 0.3 ml (mL). This is 40% less than the correct 0.5 mL dose recommended by the CDC.Photo: Three vials of Moderna COVID-19 vaccine at a vaccination center in Berlin, Germany, February 17

Doctors and the CDC state that as long as the patient’s first shot is half the dose, or 0.25 mL, the second dose will provide complete protection. The United States currently vaccinates 1.6 to 1.7 million people per day.

Karol Kennedy Harley from Arlington was one of the patients who was given the wrong dose at Ipswich CVS.

she said WCVB She was called by a pharmacist at the location and was told she was given the recommended 0.3 mL for Pfizer Shot instead of Moderna.

“A certain amount of people who went on Monday didn’t get the right dose,” she said.

“The pharmacist who worked at CVS on Monday must have been inadvertently confused because he had distributed the Pfizer vaccine before that.”

According to doctors, even a dose of at least half (0.25 mL) will provide protection until the time of the second scheduled dose.

Dr. Peter Hotez, director of national tropical medicine at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, told the Email.

“We even said that giving half the dose might even be an acceptable strategy,” Dr. Monsef Slawi, head of the Trump administration’s Operation Warp Speed ​​program, added.

these days, Survey Published in the journal Vaccine using Moderna Phase II study data. This suggests that the company’s coronavirus shots can provoke a strong immune response even at half the dose.

Researchers have investigated the level of antibodies that bind to the spike protein that the virus uses to infect cells and the level of neutralizing antibodies that kill the virus.

They found that both the current double-dose regimen and half that amount could elicit a “significant” immune response.

However, health officials do not currently recommend giving patients half the dose of the vaccine.

As of Thursday, 41 million Americans (12.5% ​​of the population) have received a single dose and 16.1 million (4.9% of the population) have been fully vaccinated.

With at least 73 million doses, President Joe Biden is now on track to reach the 100 million shot target in the 100 days since he took office.

A CVS spokesman told the that a third dose is not recommended for patients affected by the error, based on the CDC and clinical guidance.

A person given a dose of 0.3 mL may be shot a second and last time next month and will still be fully protected.

Kennedy Harley told WCVB that he plans to give the final dose within four weeks.

“I think it’s really important that people who are vaccinated think they’re okay if they don’t get it right, and really realize the fact that they aren’t,” she said. Told.

Currently, the United States immunizes an average of 1.6 to 1.7 million Americans per day for COVID-19, up from less than 1 million a month ago.

President Joe Biden is currently on track to reach the 100 million shot target in the first 100 days of his inauguration, but his plan to vaccinate almost all adults by the end of summer. You need to accelerate your pace to reach.

As of Thursday, 41 million Americans (12.5 percent of the population) were given a single dose and 16.1 million (4.9 percent of the population) were fully vaccinated.

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