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The first actual coronavirus vaccine data in the UK show reduced infection, hospitalization after first dose

The first actual coronavirus vaccine data in the UK show reduced infection, hospitalization after first dose


Scottish researchers have analyzed a dataset that covers the entire Scottish population of 5.4 million. Of these, 1.1 million (about 20% of the population) received the first dose of the Pfizer or Oxford vaccine. Then they compared vaccinated and unvaccinated, and they saw strong evidence of protection.

From December to mid-February, more than 8,000 people were admitted to the hospital with covid-19 in Scotland, but only 58 came from the vaccinated group.

Combining the results of both vaccines for people over the age of 80, overall 81% reduction in hospitalization By the fourth week, Aziz Sheikh, a professor of primary care R & D at the University of Edinburgh and one of the principal investigators, said.

Sheikh warned that the first dose of the vaccine could reduce the immunity provided. But much more becomes known after researchers are vaccinated after the second vaccination.

Josie Murray of Public Health Scotland, another leader in the study, told science journalists that “other great news” should have helped vaccines already ease the burden on the National Health Service Hospital.

In the first deployment, the UK Vaccine campaign We prioritized nursing home residents, healthcare professionals, and all people over the age of 70 who are at greatest risk of serious illness, hospitalization, or death from covid-19. The UK is now asking everyone over the age of 65 to roll up their sleeves.

Previous results on vaccine efficacy have been obtained almost exclusively from clinical trials. The first population-level study was reported by Israel. They examined the effectiveness of only one vaccine, Pfizer-BioNTech. 96% valid To prevent hospitalization and death. Israel immunizes almost half of the adult population.

The Scottish study was published in a preprint on Monday and has not yet been peer-reviewed. In a statement, the co-developer of the Oxford vaccine, Sara GilbertThe high efficacy of protecting people over the age of 80 after a single dose increases “confidence in using this vaccine in adults of all ages,” he said.

In a second study, also published Monday, public health services (PHE) scientists found that the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine provides a high level of protection against coronavirus infection as well as symptomatic covid-19. We have provided preliminary data showing that it appears to provide.

Researchers study a cohort of vaccinated health workers every two weeks, reducing the risk of infection by more than 70% with a single dose, with or without symptoms of covid-19. However, it was found that it increased to 85% from the second time onward. dose.

“This suggests that vaccines may also help stop the virus because it can’t spread without being infected,” said PHE researchers. Said in a statement..

In addition to these promising results, Prime Minister Boris Johnson outlines the next step in lifting the country’s third blockade on Monday, the “roadmap,” which he said was “cautious but irreversible.” did.

Johnson warned that it would be a slow march.

He outlined the detailed plan in Congress, stating that there are four stages in Congress, with a minimum of five weeks between each stage. The prime minister said June 21 was the earliest date that most restrictions could be lifted.

The first major change was on March 8th, when all schools in the UK were reopened, two people from different households could meet outdoors, and residents of a nursing home in the UK accepted one regular visitor. can do. In April, hairdressers, hairdressers, gyms and unwanted shops may open. In May, pubs and restaurants. Overseas travel may resume in June.

The UK government is far more tentative about deregulation this time, despite the surprisingly good progress of vaccination. More than a quarter of the population is vaccinated at least once.

New changes will evolve slowly. The government says it will make decisions at each stage based on data such as vaccine deployment programs, hospitalizations and mortality, infection rates, and the impact of new variants.

Semi-autonomous governments in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales have their own schedules.

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