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WHO Panel: Do not use hydroxychloroquine to prevent COVID-19

WHO Panel: Do not use hydroxychloroquine to prevent COVID-19


According to a new recommendation from the World Health Organization, the anti-inflammatory drug hydroxychloroquine should not be used to prevent COVID-19.

Clinical trials in more than 6,000 people have shown that the drug did not significantly affect the deaths and hospitalizations of people who had never been previously exposed to COVID-19.

The study showed “moderate certainty” that hydroxychloroquine not only had no significant effect on the laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 infection, but also probably increased the risk of side effects.

WHO recommendations Release BMJ, in a medical journal. The WHO Expert Panel is researching a variety of drugs that can be used to prevent COVID-19 infection, and hydroxychloroquine recommendations were first published by the Panel.

“The Commission believes that this drug is no longer a research priority and that resources need to be used to evaluate other more promising drugs to prevent COVID-19,” WHO said. Said in a statement.

The recommendations are intended to “provide reliable guidance on the management of COVID-19 and help physicians make better decisions for patients,” WHO said.

Hydroxychloroquine was initially approved as an antimalarial drug and is also used to treat lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.

The drug became more prominent after the former President TrumpDonald TrumpProsecutors focus Trump organization investigations on the company’s chief financial officer: Report WHO officials say it’s “premature” to think that the pandemic will end by the end of the year. Romney was released from the hospital after falling over the weekend More, Members of his administration and his supporters continued to promote it as both a miraculous treatment and prevention of COVID-19, despite the lack of evidence.

Last spring, Mr. Trump said White House aides were taking hydroxychloroquine in combination with zinc as a way to prevent infection with COVID-19 after being diagnosed with the disease.

Trump eventually became infected with COVID-19 in October and was largely recovered by the use of monoclonal antibody therapy, which was not permitted by the Food and Drug Administration at the time.

Promotions by Trump and his allies have created a drug practice and created a shortage of patients in need of it. Some states are trying to address the stockpiles they acquired during the hydroxychloroquine boom last spring.

The FDA issued an emergency use authorization for the drug last March, and outside observers felt that the FDA had succumbed to political pressure.

Due to a serious safety issue, the authorization was finally revoked in June. Authorities cited the failure of clinical trials to show that the drug may not be effective in treating COVID-19 or preventing people exposed to it, and the potential benefits do not outweigh the risks.

Another study by the National Institutes of Health found that hydroxychloroquine did not benefit inpatients.


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