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How to Talk to Your Family About Colonoscopy | Local News Articles


Talking to a loved one about the importance of colonoscopy can be difficult or annoying, but important.

Anyone over the age of 50 should undergo this test. Not only can this detect colon cancer, but it can also remove polyps, which are often the early signs of this deadly cancer. Colon endoscopy may be recommended sooner for people with a family history of colon cancer or colon polyps.

“It can be difficult to start a conversation about health, especially with colon health,” said Robert Allison, MD, MD, Department of Internal Medicine, Avera Medical Group Brookings. “It’s a fatal illness, but it’s a preventable illness, or you can try humor. There’s no shortage of colonoscopy jokes.”

No matter how you start the conversation, start today. Whatever approach you take-and you may need to try a few-it’s worth it if your loved one sets that promise.

Colon cancer screening conversation

If a doctor can detect colon cancer by removing precancerous polyps before the onset of colon cancer, the chances of successful treatment are much higher. That is why colonoscopy is the gold standard for colon screening. Doctors say colonoscopy is best. The reason is as follows.

  • This is the only trial in which the provider can also remove polyps that prevent colon cancer
  • It provides a comprehensive overview of your entire colon and its condition

With this, you and your loved ones will not have to experience all the difficulties of treating cancer or die from the third leading cause of cancer in the United States. You can also get rid of your worries and stigma by talking to your loved ones. It also helps the family understand the history of the family.

“It’s better if we can discuss and normalize colon tests as part of our health,” Alison said. “That’s why these discussions are so important. For example, if you have a first-degree relative with colon cancer in your 40s, the next step could be colonoscopy. People with no history of cancer can wait until the age of 50, unless there are other signs. “

For all adults, regular annual physical examinations are important for discussing health, including colon health, he said.

Medical questions to ask your family

Knowing the family history, even part of it, helps healthcare providers assess risk. Here are some of the most important facts they want to know:

  • Whether either your sibling or your parents have been diagnosed with colon cancer or died of colon cancer
  • The age at which your loved one was diagnosed or died

Other types of cancer that your family may have “Like all families, their health history is unique,” says Keila York, MS, CGC, chief genetic counselor at the Avella Cancer Institute Sioux Falls. I did. “When we meet a patient, we send a survey in advance, which often helps family members start a conversation with their loved ones.”

These are valuable, but difficult conversations. Colon cancer can be hereditary.

“It can be difficult to talk about cancer. This is a private topic and can be taboo. We’ll talk more about it now,” York said. “But it’s pretty common for families to know less about their health history.”

Questions like this can help you collect historical information about your family.

  • Have they ever received chemotherapy or radiation therapy?
  • Have they had surgery?
  • What was it for if they had surgery?

After discussing once, twice, or more, take action with your family and set up a screening or promise to discuss risk factors with your primary care provider.


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