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Studies show that type 2 diabetes can be prevented with regular exercise


Exercise It is known that there are many health benefits on a regular basis, and now other benefits of regular physical activity are becoming apparent.

Regular physical activity is safe, according to a new study Diabetes mellitus Preventive strategies for people, especially those who live in relatively polluted areas. The results of this study were published in Diabetologia, a journal of the European Diabetes Foundation (EASD).

The first study investigating the combined effects of physical activity and contamination exposure on type 2 diabetes risk was led by Dr. Cui Guo and Professor Lao Xiang Qian of the Chinese University of Hong Kong School of Medicine. , China, and Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands, and colleagues Dr. Xiao Ting Yang of the Institute for Risk Assessment Science, and colleagues.

More and more evidence shows that air pollution is a new risk factor for the development of type 2 diabetes. Physical activity can increase inhalation of air pollutants and exacerbate the adverse health effects of air pollution. There is limited information on the association between air pollution and habitual physical activity and the development of type 2 diabetes.

Therefore, the risk-benefit relationship between air pollution and physical activity is an important public concern, as almost all of the world’s population (more than 91%) lives in areas where air quality does not meet WHO guidelines. It has become. Health guidelines are urgently needed to inform people if they can benefit from regular physical activity, especially in areas with severe air pollution.

In this study, the authors found regular physical activity, chronic exposure to surrounding particulate matter less than 2.5 mm in diameter (so-called PM2.5 particles), and type 2 diabetes in 156,314 adults who experienced it. We investigated the relationship with the incidence of. A total of 422,831 health examinations have been conducted in Taiwan, and the annual concentration of PM2.5 is about 2.6 times the limit recommended by WHO.

Diabetes diagnosis was identified from health examinations, and average PM2.5 exposure over 2 years was estimated at each participant’s address using a satellite-based model. Information about physical activity and various other variables was collected using standard self-administered questionnaires.

Moderate (31%) and inactive / low physical activity (56%) were associated with an increased risk of diabetes compared to high physical activity. Participants with moderate (31%) and high (94%) PM2.5 were at higher risk of type 2 diabetes than participants exposed to low PM2.5. Participants with high physical activity and low PM2.5 had a 64% lower risk of type 2 diabetes than participants with low inactivity / low physical activity and high PM2.5.

The authors found that high levels of habitual physical activity combined with low levels of chronic PM2.5 exposure were associated with a reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes, whereas high levels of chronic PM2 We found that combined low levels of habitual physical activity were associated. .5 exposure was associated with an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. “

They further emphasized that “the benefits of habitual physical activity for type 2 diabetes are stable in participants with different levels of PM2.5 exposure.” Additional analysis showed that the impact on diabetes risk appeared to be more pronounced at high levels of contamination than at low levels of physical activity.

Regarding potential mechanisms, the authors said that the improvement in metabolism caused by physical activity that prevents the development of diabetes is widely discussed. Contamination can exert its effect by causing inflammation of the entire system, including the lungs, blood vessels, and central nervous system.

Previous studies have also shown that the pollutants inhaled during exercise are only a small fraction of the pollutants inhaled by a person overall. This can explain why the impact of physical activity on diabetes risk is similar for different levels of pollution.

The authors suggest that “our findings suggest that habitual physical activity is a safe strategy for diabetes prevention and should be promoted for people living in relatively polluted areas. Our study emphasizes the importance of air pollution mitigation to prevent diabetes. “

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