COVID Q & A: Vaccines by Johnson & Johnson-Community Contributors
This is a weekly Q & A column written by Dr. Lydia S. Seagull in collaboration with Chaffee County Public Health. This column focuses on the questions readers have about COVID-19 news and science. As Segal points out, “Everything I write today is still valid today. The news and science of COVID-19 is evolving rapidly. I expect updates to occur.”
The third vaccine in the United States was approved by the FDA on February 29, 2021. This week we are introducing vaccines manufactured by Johnson & Johnson and J & J.
Question: How effective is the J & J vaccine?
Answer: The J & J vaccine is 100% effective for severe cases requiring death or hospitalization. Did you figure out that number? It is 100% effective for severe cases. In other words, it significantly reduces the severity of COVID-19 to flu and cold-like illnesses. There are 77 percent effectiveness figures reported in the mass media. However, although this is efficacy data 14 days after injection, at 28 days, efficacy is 85% for all levels of disease, more consistent with the two mRNA vaccines.
Question: How are J & J vaccines made?
Answer: Vaccines use a portion of the coronavirus gene that makes a spike protein and inserts it into a modified adenovirus. This adenovirus, called AD26, is one of the many common viruses that cause colds and the flu. Because the adenovirus has been modified, it does not cause disease and cannot be inserted into DNA. It is the peplomer that triggers our immune system to make cells and antibodies to fight the coronavirus. Keep in mind that this technique was first used to make other vaccines over 10 years ago, some of which are safely used by children and pregnant women.
Question: Please explain about J & J’s clinical trials.
Answer: The study was a placebo-controlled, double-blind study enrolled by more than 43,000 people in six countries. Notably, the J & J trial occurred while several known variants were in circulation around the world. This is different from the Pfizer and Modelna mRNA vaccines that were tested before the mutants were widespread.
Question: Is it easy to compare the results of how well these vaccines work?
Answer: Vaccine manufacturers use slightly different criteria for assessing mild, moderate, and severe COVID-19, making direct comparisons difficult.
Question: How is the J & J vaccine different from the mRNA vaccines Pfizer and Moderna?
Answer: The J & J vaccine is a single injection, unlike the two-dose series Moderna and Pfizer vaccines. The vaccine can also be kept at normal refrigerator temperatures, making it easier to use in smaller environments such as clinics and pharmacies.
Question: What are the side effects of this vaccine?
Answer: The J & J vaccine is less “responsive” than the mRNA vaccine, so it may have fewer side effects such as fever, chills, headache, and body pain after vaccination, especially if the vaccine response is more likely to occur.
Question: When will the J & J vaccine be available in Chaffee County?
Answer: According to Andrea Kallström, director of public health at Chaffee County, the county has not been notified when and how the vaccine will be shipped. The current phase of eligibility and updated information is available on the websites listed at the end of this column. The same eligibility phase is used for all three approved vaccines.
Question: Do you have a booster shot of the J & J vaccine?
Answer: The company has launched a clinical trial that asks exactly that question. It will take several months to get an answer. At this point, think of it as a one-shot vaccine. Due to the variants, as well as the Pfizer and Modana vaccines, it is assumed that all vaccines, like the annual influenza vaccine, may require booster immunization in the future.
Question: Which vaccine do you want and why?
Answer: You need someone who can use it. Hospitals and counties have registration pages (see website below) where you can sign up for mRNA or J & J vaccines, if available. If you are unlikely to be able to return to your second mRNA vaccine, we recommend vaccination with a J & J single dose regime, if available in the county.
Question: I’d like more information, can you send me a good and reliable website?
Answer: The FDA has an excellent “slideshow” at the following link. It’s intended for healthcare professionals, but there are plenty of summary slides for the general public.
For more information on COVID-19 and vaccines, eligibility, and booking, please see the links below. Pharmacies will receive small shipments of vaccines in the near future.Information will be posted on Ark Valley Voice County public health and hospital web pages.
Note: If you have any questions that you would like Dr. Seagull to address in future COVID-19 Q and A columns, please write in. [email protected]..
Lydia S. Seagull, MD, MPH
Dr. Seagull is a board-certified family doctor who is trying to retire. She holds a master’s degree in public health and teaches in HRRMC classes on male and female pelvic health in collaboration with members of the pelvic physiotherapy staff. In her previous life, she was a general affairs reporter. In his spare time, he hikes, skis and cooks.
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