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Dr. Chorley’s migraine headache led to a catastrophic diagnosis after being paralyzed during class

Dr. Chorley’s migraine headache led to a catastrophic diagnosis after being paralyzed during class


Chorley’s high school teacher suffered a stress-stricken migraine and was shock-diagnosed.

Lucy Gallagher, 29, underwent emergency surgery in November 2020 to remove a rare brain tumor after getting sick at school.

Lucy is currently supporting charities nationwide Brain tumor researchBy organizing Wear hat day An event at Bolton’s Essa Academy. She continues to agree with the diagnosis.

“I’ve been suffering from migraines for years, but they’ve always been depressed by busy and stressful work,” she said.

“On November 16th, when I felt a migraine headache, I was trying to teach a lesson. I just wanted to power through. I was sick because I couldn’t see my left eye. Sometimes the teacher taught me.

“By the end of the lesson, the left side of my body had begun to numb. I sat in a quiet room and someone turned on the radio for first aid. Before I knew it, a lot of staff were there. Including the principal who decided to call an ambulance. “

An ambulance arrived and took Lucy to the Royal Bolton Hospital. There she was triaged and said she needed to see a doctor.

Lucy, who teaches religious studies, said: “”They checked everything, including my eyes, and they thought I might have swelling of the optic nerve (papilledema). I was sent to a CT scan and waited for the next 3 hours to see it. Eventually, the doctor came and explained that he found something in my brain that looked like a cyst. “

Lucy was transferred by ambulance to the Royal Hospital of Salford, where relatives were not allowed to attend due to the strict restrictions of COVID-19.

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“I called the department manager because I knew she was really supportive,” she added. “I was very angry and cried to her on the phone, but she managed to calm me down and reassure me. She was really worried when I called my mother, but don’t cry. I found that I was trying. Do it all yourself. “

Upon arriving at Salford Royal, Lucy was treated for obstructive hydrocephalus and was taken to the theater that night, inserting an external ventricular drain to remove excess water in the brain.

The next day, she underwent a contrasting MRI scan and doctors said she thought she had a rare tumor known as a colloid cyst.

Lucy said: “”They explained what it was, but I wasn’t sure until they had surgery and a biopsy. Two days later, on November 18, I had endoscopic surgery to remove the tumor. ”

Lucy’s surgery was successful because Lucy’s surgeon was able to remove 100% of the tumor during 2.5 hours of surgery. Histological reports confirmed that it was a low-grade colloid cyst that caused obstruction of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and caused life-threatening hydrocephalus.

“After the surgery, my face was so swollen that I couldn’t open my eyes. I was hospitalized for a week, but the worst thing was that there were no visitors. At one point, my mother dropped something for me. I heard her voice outside the hallway, but I wasn’t allowed to see her. It was really hard. “

On November 23, Lucy performed a lumbar puncture to remove the remaining excess CSF and was discharged later that day.

Lucy said: “”For the rest of the time, I quit my job and recovered my Christmas holidays. I was preparing to return to school in January, but I was at home and taught the students remotely as the Prime Minister announced that the school would be partially closed due to the blockade of COVID-19.

“When the school was reopened to all students earlier this month, I came back at the same time, but the timetable was shorter. I can’t walk too far or stand up for long periods of time.

Lucy had surgery to get rid of the tumor
Lucy had surgery to get rid of the tumor

“I’m very fortunate to have a very supportive employer and the kids were great. I’m very open about my diagnosis, tell them what happened and a photo of my scars I even showed them. They kept saying. Are you okay? “So I wanted to reassure them. They are all really compassionate and respectful. “

As part of her new mission to raise awareness of brain tumors, Lucy will host Wear A Hat Day at the Essa Academy on Friday, March 26, to coincide with a national brain tumor research event.

She states: “When I heard about Wear A Hat Day, I was really enthusiastic about attending school. On the day, 1,100 students and all the staff were asked to wear hats and donate to charity. We also sell pin badges that teachers love to wear on blazer and on straps. We have already raised £ 1,210. This is my mother’s employer, Leyland Trucks and theirs. Thanks to a generous donation from the Leyland Trucks Helping Hand charity.

“I am also passionate about spreading the important message surrounding brain tumors and held a rally on this topic to raise awareness of the school community. Surgeons were able to get 100% of my tumors. So I was really lucky.

“But what he can’t tell me is where it came from and why it happened. Only 1% of national spending on cancer research is allocated to this catastrophic disease. I’m as lucky as I am. “

Now in that 12th This year, Wear A Hat Day raised over £ 2m to fund the fight against the disease. This is the recognition and funding day for the UK’s largest and most beloved brain tumor research. This year, Brain Tumor Research is celebrating key workers like Lucy and her school colleagues.

Brain tumors kill children and adults under the age of 40 more than any other cancer, but historically, only 1% of national spending on cancer research has been allocated to this catastrophic disease. Brain Tumor Research, the only national charity in the UK, is dedicated to finding treatments for brain tumors through a campaign to increase domestic investment in research to £ 35 million annually. We are also raising funds to build a sustainable network of brain tumor research centers in the United Kingdom.

Matthew Price, Community Development Manager at Brain Tumor Research, said: Lucy’s diagnosis drives us to continue to find cures for this dreaded illness.

“It’s very moving to see Essa Academy adopting Wear A Hat Day a year after the outbreak of COVID-19 in the UK. Our supporters’ dedication in these unprecedented times is genuine and inspiring. Being targeted, we can’t wait to wear hats with them, have fun, and raise money to fund sustainable research approaching the treatment of brain tumors.

“Unlike many other cancers, brain tumors are indiscriminate. They can affect anyone at any time. Little is known about the cause, which improves patient outcomes and ultimately Increasing research investment is essential to finding a cure. “

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