The season of Michigan allergies is back and it’s one of the worst
The allergy season is back in revenge.
Some people are familiar with stuffy nose, itchy eyes, and headaches. But for those who say their allergies are getting worse this year, there may be a reason.
Mikaela Petrucci, 25, from Canton, said her allergies were really annoying this year.
“I read it outside, but I had to blow in because I had to blow my nose three times,” she said.
Petrucci said his eyes were so heavy and itchy that he had difficulty working and had to stare at the computer screen for long periods of time.
But Petrucci isn’t the only one in terms of allergic symptoms this year.
Dr. Kathleen Das, An allergist, immunologist, and medical director at the Michigan Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Center in Oak Park said it was one of the worst allergy seasons I’ve ever seen.
Das said the combination of mild weather in the past winter and several other factors could blame this year’s terrible allergic season.
“Mold that normally disappears hasn’t disappeared this past winter,” she said. “Then the tree season seemed to start a little earlier.”
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Das said the amount of pollen in the air “set a really new record.”
“We have had patients in the last two weeks and have been asymptomatic for decades, and this change in weather has caused asthma attacks, very severe allergic symptoms, and even skin rashes,” said Dass. .. “So it’s a combination of pollen peaks, and I think we’ll meet mold growth and a mild winter.”
Das She said indoor allergens will play a role this season as well.
“Because I was indoors last year, I was exposed to more dust mites than usual,” said Das. “Usually we leave home, go to work and come back, so the increased exposure to dust mites last year caused people to develop more symptoms just by staying indoors.”
Is it COVID-19 or are you allergic?
Unfortunately, the season of allergies occurs during the COVID-19 pandemic, and things can be nerve-wracking when it comes to distinguishing between the two.
Watery eyes, runny nose, and stuffy nose are often allergy-related symptoms, Das said.
“With COVID-19, we rarely have a runny nose, stuffy nose, or even a sore throat,” Das said. “So if they are the symptoms you are experiencing, it will be more allergic than COVID.”
But when it comes to odor loss, things can get a little more confusing.
“The loss of odor is definitely likely due to COVID-19,” Das said. “But if the baseline odor is lost due to either allergies or chronic sinusitis, it is not possible to distinguish whether it suddenly worsened due to the presence of COVID. Therefore, this is as follows: Symptoms may occur. Both. “
She also said that allergies should not cause fever, chills, or body aches. Symptoms such as diarrhea, loss of appetite, and night sweats are associated with COVID-19.
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The precautions people are taking to prevent the spread of the coronavirus may actually help reduce allergen exposure. For example, wearing a mask acts as a physical barrier from pollen, so individuals don’t inhale it too much, Das said.
If you’re the type of person who enjoys a walk, Das recommends changing the clothes you wore outside and taking a shower before going to bed. This will help keep your bed pollen-free.
She also said that keeping windows closed during the most prevalent pollen early in the morning and evening can help with allergies. If the house needs to be deflated, Das said he would do it throughout the day.
What can I do to relieve some symptoms?
Cave rinses like Netipot help wash away mucus, especially when people use hypertonic saline, Das said.
“Booger chases salt. The more salt it concentrates, the more likely it is to help get rid of mucus,” she said.
Antihistamines such as Claritin, Zyrtec, and Allegra can help with bad symptoms, Das said. It is better to use long-acting antihistamines than short-acting antihistamines.
However, Das said he has always emphasized to patients that antihistamines have no protective effect. Intranasal steroids like Nasacort, Fluonase, and Rhinocort provide more prevention for allergies.
“If you need longer-term relief, definitely talk to an allergist,” Das said. “I want to make sure it’s just a seasonal allergy, not something like chronic sinusitis. Chronic sinusitis basically has sinusitis despite maximum treatment. If. “
According to Das, allergy shots and other treatments under the tongue can also help relieve allergies in the long run.
“If you have comorbidities with asthma or eczema, or allergic skin problems like urticaria, there are special injections that can actually help,” Das said. “And the bonus is that your allergies will also improve.”
Slone Terranella: Contact [email protected] and follow her on Twitter @ Slone Terranella.
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