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Short sleep associated with increased risk of dementia


According to a new study, people in their 50s and 60s who sleep less than 6 hours at night are more likely to develop dementia than their peers who sleep at least 7 hours each night.

“We have shown that there is a consistent association between short sleep time in middle age and the risk of dementia. This association is associated with psychiatric disorders and other disorders known to be associated with dementia. It was not explained by chronic illness, “said Dr. Séverine Sabia of the University of Paris, France.Was told Medscape Medical News.

“This study emphasizes the importance of maintaining good sleep hygiene for brain health,” Savior added.

Research Published online April 20 Nature Communications..

Novel study

“In research on dementia, it’s important to keep in mind the long preclinical period of dementia,” says Sabia. Most dementia is characterized by a variety of pathophysiological changes over 20 years, so studies with long-term follow-up are needed to gain insight into the association between sleep time and subsequent dementia. ..

To date, much of the evidence for this association has come from studies with a follow-up period of less than 10 years.

In this study, researchers examined the association of 7959 participants from the Whitehall II Cohort in the United Kingdom, who were followed up for 25 years using repeated measurements of sleep time beginning in middle age.

During the follow-up, there were 521 cases diagnosed with dementia.

The results showed that there was a higher risk of dementia associated with less than 6 hours of sleep at ages 50 and 60 compared to normal 7 hours of sleep, which is the time spent at 70. The researchers say it was inaccurately estimated.

table.Sleep time <6 hours and risk of accidental dementia

age Fully tuned HR (95% CI) P value
50 years 1.22 (1.01 to 1.48) .04
60 years 1.37 (1.10-1.72) .005
70 years 1.24 (0.98 to 1.57) .Ten

In addition, they found that persistent short sleep times at ages 50, 60, and 70 were socio-demographic, behavioral, cardiac metabolic, and mental compared to sustained normal sleep time. We found that it was also associated with a 30% increase in the risk of dementia, regardless of health factors. ..

The findings were confirmed using an objective measurement of sleep time (accelerometer) in the participants’ subsamples.

As reported in several studies, there was no clear evidence of an association between long sleep times and accidental dementia.

Strong supporting evidence

“There is a keen interest in whether lack of sleep can cause or exacerbate dementia, and therefore whether improving sleep helps prevent dementia,” said Dementia at the University of Bristol, UK. Dr. Elizabeth Coultard, Senior Lecturer of Neurology Consultants, said. Statement from the UK Nonprofit Science Media Center.

“Before this study, there was already strong evidence that sleep was abnormal before dementia was diagnosed, but because the brain changes that cause dementia begin years before diagnosis. It is not yet known whether sleep causes or exacerbates dementia. Established dementia is known. It is associated with lack of sleep. “

“Adding new information to new situations,” Coulthard said, as the new study was reported in a middle-aged cohort of more than 20 years of sleep.

“This means that at least some people who developed dementia probably did not yet have dementia at the beginning of the study when sleep was first evaluated. Therefore, middle-aged sleep It strengthens the evidence that deficiency can be the cause or worsen later dementia. ”

Dr. Tom Denning, MD, director of the Dementia Center at the University of Nottingham Mental Health Institute in the United Kingdom, emphasized the study and said there was evidence that: Sleeping disorder It can occur long before other clinical evidence of dementia develops.

“But this study cannot establish the cause and effect,” Denning warned.

“Although it may be a very early sign of dementia, sleep deprivation is not good for the brain and is very likely to remain vulnerable to the following neurodegenerative conditions: Alzheimer’s disease, “

“Turn off your cell phone and avoid it caffeine It’s a good habit before bedtime, as you already know the importance of good sleep to your health more generally. But more research will be needed to see if longer sleep itself can reduce the risk of dementia in later years, “he added.

There was no commercial funding for this study. Sabia, Coulthard, and Dening do not disclose the relevant financial relationships.

Nut common. Published online on April 20, 2021. Full text

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