Testicular cancer: what are the signs?How to check it
“I found a lump, but I didn’t feel any pain or discomfort, so after leaving it for a week, I noticed that the lump was getting bigger and bigger,” said Phil Morris, founder of British testicular cancer. I will.
I’m 48 now, and I was 29 when I first found a lump in my testicles while taking a shower.
Originally from Liverpool, Phil had just finished his military career. He went to a general practitioner who misdiagnosed the lump as an infection, but the lump continued to grow.
“A few weeks later, it was still big, so this time he sent me to have an ultrasound,” says Phil. “The person doing the scan said,” Can I dull with you? You have cancer.. It was like a punch in the face. “
Phil looked for Information about testicular cancer It was on the internet, but in 2003 there wasn’t much available. Since then it has changed.
Indeed, April is Testicular Cancer Awareness Month, and even the hamburger chain Byron raises awareness by offering hamburgers wrapped in a guide on how to perform testicular self-examination.
At that time, Phil suffered from a lack of support and was isolated. He says:’I didn’t have anyone to speak to. I was brave in front of my friends and family, but it was very difficult to wait for surgery.
Phil was diagnosed with the more aggressive form of testicular cancer most commonly found in men under the age of 30 and received three doses of chemotherapy.
“I lost my hair, lost weight, couldn’t breathe, had to rest shortly after climbing the stairs, and I had support between each round of chemotherapy and each decision made about my future. There wasn’t. As a man, you’re just expected to keep it going. “
Phil, an avid drummer, was supposed to attend a drum clinic run by his hero Steve White. Phil explained that he missed the clinic because he was diagnosed with testicular cancer on the same day.
Near the end of Phil’s chemotherapy, White invited him to attend Paul Weller’s gig. “He asked me how I was,” Phil says. “I said I was emotionally struggling because there was no one to speak to. He said I should do something about it and launch an organization and website.
White contacted Phil with the web designer, from which Checkemlads was created. It was renamed Testicular Cancer UK when Phil was diagnosed with a second illness in 2013.
This volunteer-based organization aims to provide emotional support to patients. Phil did it while working for mechanics, truck drivers, and car assembly lines.
“I’m sick of people who say,” This is the cancer you want, “says Phil, citing its high cure rate.
“You don’t get cancer, you feel cured and you’re okay. You’ve had 10 years of testing and blood tests. The doctor said,” Your scan is clear so far, we’re it. I think it worked, “said the man, who soon returned to work.
“Many of these men are in their twenties, and some men remain low in testosterone because they don’t know if the treatment has made them infertile or if the cancer has recurred.’
The effects of low testosterone include impotence, an increased risk of osteoporosis, and an increased risk of heart disease, and men are more likely to gain weight but are unable to develop muscle. Testosterone replacement therapy is available in the form of gels or injections.
“It’s a big shock and many men with testicular cancer are pretty young, so it can also leave people with emotional problems,” says Phil.
Testicular cancer is most common in men in their 20s and 30s, and the most aggressive form is most often found in men under the age of 30.
“Because we are there, people have people to talk to. They need to go back to work and become dads, but they have to continue treatment themselves, worried that the treatment may not have worked. I feel I have to.
“Men with cancer are emotionally low and stressed, and they are told that they must raise men.” It’s a tough job. ‘
Testicular Cancer Facts: What to Look for and How to Treat It
Robert Hadart, 58, Professor of Urological Cancer, Institute
Of cancer research.
What symptoms do people need to be aware of?
Hard lumps in the testicles are not always painful – they are often mild pain. The lumps start very small, but can grow and occupy most of the testicles. Watch for changes in testicular size and shape and check regularly.
Tumors can grow rapidly and spread, so if something is detected early and it is confined to the testicles, less treatment is needed. A self-examination will feel the testicles in hard or irregular areas and watch for changes.
What if I find a lump?
You should see your GP where you can refer you to a specialist or scan. The majority of men show that the cancer has not spread.
If neglected, the tumor can spread very quickly. If the cancer has not spread, almost everyone will be cured. If the tumor is very advanced, it drops to 50%.
What are your treatment options?
The usual treatment is to remove the testicles. Next, evaluate what type of cancer it is, the extent of the cancer, and the risk that it will spread.
If the cancer has not spread, observe the patient to see if it recurs. Limited chemotherapy may be offered to reduce the risk of chemotherapy recurrence.
If the cancer has spread, three doses of chemotherapy will be needed. Hospitalization is usually required. You may feel sick, tired, lose hair, and affect childbirth.
How many patients need chemotherapy?
Approximately 50%, including those receiving chemotherapy as preventative treatment to prevent recurrence.
About 80% of patients have their testicles removed and regular scans and blood tests done to see if the cancer is still present. This is the most common treatment.
Some of those people will relapse and then require chemotherapy or more surgery. If detected early, it is so curable that we are keen to detect cancer as soon as possible.
Robert Huddart is a member of the Movember Testicular Cancer Research Advisory Committee. KP and Movember are promoting Testicular Cancer Awareness Month. For more information
For more information out Byron’s campaign Here..
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