A Nottingham woman diagnosed with intestinal cancer before the age of 40 talks about how she defeated the disease
Miranda Clayton Two 41-year-old mothers were diagnosed with intestinal cancer in 2018, and since then she has had two surgeries and is free of cancer.
Miranda didn’t expect it to happen to her.
Three years ago, the two mothers sat completely distrustful after the results of a colonoscopy were revealed to her.
Tumors of her colon, large intestine have been found and it may be cancerous.
Miranda of Nottingham said:
“I never thought it was possible for me.”
At the age of 38, Miranda, a bailiff in the Nottingham City Council, ate proper food, exercised frequently, and ran regular marathons.
She states: “Colorectal cancer was what I was unfairly devoted to being an illness in an unhealthy or elderly person.
“I got a diagnosis and got to know more about this condition, including people who have bowel cancer despite eating and exercising as well as I do. I know it can affect people. “
Before Miranda was diagnosed in May 2018, she suffered from a variety of symptoms, including chest infections, stomach worms, weight loss, and malaise.
After relying on her family doctor to perform a series of tests, Miranda was referred to a NUH colorectal consultant and surgeon, Ayanbanerjea, and was booked for a colonoscopy.
Colon endoscopy in April 2018 revealed that Miranda had a potentially cancerous tumor. This was followed by MRI and CT scans, and NUH’s colorectal team provided more detailed information as they decided on the most appropriate treatment for Miranda, including surgery and chemotherapy.
The following month, after a scan, Miranda was diagnosed with stage 2 cancer of the lateral colon and colon, but CT scans showed no evidence of metastasis to local lymph nodes or other organs.
After discussing her options with Banerjea, Miranda underwent surgery at the Queen’s Medical Center, where she underwent a right hemicolectomy under general anesthesia, and the cancerous part of the intestine was successfully resected.
Due to Miranda’s relief, postoperative histological examination showed no cancer cells in any of her local lymph nodes or blood vessels, so no chemotherapy was needed.
She will continue to require follow-up of colonoscopy, CT scans, and blood tests for the next five years to confirm that the cancer is showing no signs of recurrence.
Miranda said: “At that point, I and my family were able to breathe a little more.”
A second colon cancer was discovered before Miranda relaxed and thought about the future with her husband Scott (44) and two young children, Harry (6) and Penelope (4). It was.
Four months after her surgery, the polyp identified by Miranda’s first colonoscopy became cancerous.
Miranda developed two colon cancers under the age of 40 and had a serious discussion with Mr. Banerjea, including colorectal nurse specialist Charlotte Ryton, and his team.
Charlotte Ryton said: “If you develop two cancers at a young age, you may have a genetic predisposition, and if you do not remove most of the colon, you are at risk of developing a third cancer.”
During this time, Miranda was supported by her family and NUH’s colorectal team.
Miranda said: Whenever I need something, she always has time to talk and she explains everything to me. “
Miranda also found support from the cancer charity Maggies, which has a center in a municipal hospital and provides emotional, psychological, and hands-on support.
Lizzie Morgan, Cancer Support Specialist at Maggie’s, said:
“Maggie’s is here for people with cancer, patients, families and children and is accessible at any stage of cancer diagnosis.
“Maggie’s makes individuals feel important and important. People are more than just a diagnosis of cancer, and Maggies prioritizes helping the whole person and those close to him. Here There are people who always listen. “
Miranda said:
“Something like my cancer diagnosis has never really happened to our family, and I had to talk to someone.
“I counseled with Maggies, took a well-being course on mindfulness, and stopped by the staff there for chat and tea.
“Earlier this year, I ran 50 miles to raise money for Maggie, to thank everything they did for me.”
After a long discussion with NUH’s colorectal team, Miranda decided to have surgery to remove most of her colon.
In November 2018, Miranda was again operated on by QMC and underwent keyhole subtotal colectomy, and her cancer was gone.
After successful surgery, Miranda will continue with regular blood tests and a flexible sigmoidoscopy every 6 months. It examines the lower part of the intestine using a thin, flexible camera.
Miranda said:
“Whenever I went there, the whole hospital team was great.
“Doctors, nurses and consultants have been very nice from the first appointment to the pre-surgery and all future tests.
“They couldn’t really do any more for me, and I’ll be grateful forever.”
Miranda, who continues to work, ran 1,748 miles last year to raise funds for Bowel Cancer UK.
Miranda said: “Last year, I set a goal of running 874 miles between Land’s End and John O’Groats between January and December.
“I will run twice as many miles as I originally intended.
“It’s my way of giving a finger to intestinal cancer and saying,” I’m still here, I can do this, “because I can keep running and staying active.
“My advice for people diagnosed with colorectal cancer is to stay positive, get advice from doctors and nurses, and get the most out of the support available.
“I think it’s very important to talk to people and talk about their feelings. It’s garbage that is diagnosed with cancer, and you don’t have to smile all the time.
“I found it easier for me to do these protections with a Maggies counselor.”
Symptoms associated with bowel cancer include persistent and unexplained potential bowel habits, unexplained weight loss, extreme malaise for no apparent reason, and abdominal pain and lumps.
Charlotte Ryton said: My advice for people with symptoms of bowel cancer will book with your GP as soon as possible, although the symptoms may not be due to having bowel cancer, too If so and we are more than 90% likely to find it early we can cure you. Colon cancer, found at a more advanced stage, becomes more complex to treat and begins to have a reduced cure rate. “
See Maggie’s at for more information. And intestinal cancer in the UK
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