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Combining BMI and body shape can more accurately predict cancer risk

Combining BMI and body shape can more accurately predict cancer risk


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A new study presented online this year at the European Obesity Conference (ECO) requires body mass index (BMI) to be used to determine the risk of obesity-related cancers. It suggests that.

BMI is an easy way to measure From a person’s weight and height. However, its reliability is often criticized because it does not distinguish between fat and muscle, nor does it take into account where body fat is stored or the gender or age of the individual. Similarly Take into account tummy fat linked to some Including cardiovascular disease, And cancer cannot explain the height.

A new index for measuring obesity called the Body Mass Index (ABSI) takes into account an individual’s age, gender, weight, height, and waist circumference and provides a more accurate estimate of cancer risk than BMI. There is a possibility.

To further investigate this, researchers at the University of Glasgow and Newcastle University combined data from 442,614 participants (mean age 56 years) from a prospective cohort of British Biobanks and followed them for an average of eight years, during which time. 36,961 people were diagnosed. With cancer.

Participants were divided into three groups (tertiles) according to body shape and examined their association with the risk of 24 types of cancer. Investigate ABSI and BMI as predictors of cancer risk. The results are age, gender, ethnicity, deprivation, education, income, smoking, , , Physical activity, and sedentary time.

The analysis found that body mass index and BMI predict various cancer risks associated with obesity in adults. Specifically, ABSI was associated with an increased risk of three cancers.Participants in the highest ABSI tertile were 38% more likely to develop , Regardless of BMI, 40% more likely to develop lung cancer and 17% increased risk of bowel cancer compared to the lowest ABSI tertile.

However, researchers found that a combination of high ABSI and high BMI was associated with an increased risk of seven types of cancer: uterine cancer, esophageal cancer, liver cancer, stomach cancer, kidney cancer, bowel cancer, and breast cancer. I found that I was doing it. For example, participants in the highest ABSI tertile who were also overweight or obese (BMI 25 kg / m2 or higher) had a double risk of developing the disease. Than the one with the lowest ABSI and normal BMI.

“Our findings emphasize the importance of measuring as well as BMI in predicting cancer risk, and people “It may increase the risk of certain cancers,” said Dr. Carlos Celis Morales, lead author at the University of Glasgow, UK. From an early age, more urgent action is needed to maintain a healthy weight and shape throughout life. “

Excessive body fat can alter levels of sex hormones such as estrogen and testosterone, increase insulin levels, and cause biological changes that cause inflammation. Of 13 types of cancer.

Since this is an observational study, the cause cannot be determined. Also, the results cannot be generalized to the general population as they are not a representative sample of the UK adult population.

Higher BMI, body fat, and larger hips and hips pose similar risks for 10 common cancers

For more information:
This article is based on the poster presentation EP3-06 at the European Obesity Conference (ECO).

Provided by the European Association for the Study of Obesity

Quote: Combining BMI with better predictors of cancer risk (May 10, 2021), https: // to 2021 Obtained on May 10th.

This document is subject to copyright. No part may be reproduced without written permission, except for fair transactions for personal investigation or research purposes. The content is provided for informational purposes only.

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