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Microneedle patch designed to fit socks on skin infections

Microneedle patch designed to fit socks on skin infections


Microneedle patch already Show great expectations As a painless alternative to hypodermic needles. However, new ones can be found to be used as a more effective means of treating serious bacterial infections of the skin.

In most cases, microneedle patches take the form of small, flat, square materials with small, sharp, drug-filled studs, or an array of “microneedle” underneath. The main patch is usually made of a non-toxic polymer, but the needle is made of a substance that dissolves harmlessly once in the body, such as silk.

When the device is pressed against the patient’s body, the microneedles penetrate the outer layers of the skin and do not reach the underlying nerves. These needles then dissolve and release the drug into the interstitial fluid between the skin cells. From there, it moves into the bloodstream.

Led by Assoc. Professor Georgios Sotiriou, a scientist at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, and Jill Giesmer, a doctoral student, adopted the same basic technique and applied it to the topical treatment of MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) Skin infections.

Usually, such potentially deadly infections are treated by injecting the antibiotic vancomycin into the patient’s bloodstream. It does not penetrate the skin well and is usually not applied topically. It is also not given orally because it is not well absorbed from the intestines. Unfortunately, when you inject it, the drug is carried systemically, causing unwanted side effects.

With this shortcoming in mind, researchers have developed an microneedle patch that is placed on the skin at the site of MRSA infection and delivers vancomycin directly to the skin via a needle. The drug goes directly to the infection and is mostly retained there instead of entering the bloodstream, so lower doses are needed than if it were injected and distributed throughout the body. Therefore, side effects should be significantly minimized.

Each microneedle is only 0.2 mm wide at the base.

Each microneedle is only 0.2 mm wide at the base.

Jill Ziesmer

Laboratory studies performed on piglet and human skin samples have shown that microneedle patches are effective in delivering vancomycin to the skin, significantly reducing MRSA bacteria. Currently, live animal trials are planned, probably followed by human clinical trials.

“Once this drug delivery device reaches the clinic, it can transform the way we treat potentially deadly bacterial skin infections and significantly improve the quality of life for our patients,” Sotiriou said. Says.

A research paper was recently published in a journal Advanced material technology..

Source: Karolinska Institute

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