Some of the things that can increase your risk of bipolar disorder are:

During the greatest heredity Research Previous bipolar disorder researchers have identified 64 regions of the genome that contain DNA mutations that increase the risk of bipolar disorder by more than twice the number previously identified.
The research team also found an overlap in the genetic basis of bipolar disorder and other psychiatric disorders. In addition, this study supports the role of sleep habits, alcohol, and substance use in the development of bipolar disorder, but further studies are needed to confirm these findings. The research results were published in Nature Genetics.
Bipolar disorder is a complex psychiatric disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of severe high and low moods, affecting an estimated 40 to 50 million people worldwide. It usually begins in early adulthood, often has a chronic course, and increases the risk of suicide, causing major public health concerns and global disability.
An international team of scientists within the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium conducted genome-wide association studies to help elucidate the underlying biology of bipolar disorder. This means that they scanned the DNA of many people and looked for more common genetic markers in people with bipolar disorder.
This included scanning over 7.5 million common variations of the DNA sequences of approximately 415,000 people, of which more than 40,000 had bipolar disorder. The study identified 64 regions of the genome that contained DNA mutations that increased the risk of bipolar disorder.
Dr. Niam Marines, an assistant professor of psychiatric genomics at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, said: Sinai and the lead author of the treatise. “Our study found DNA mutations involved in brain cell communication and calcium signaling that increase the risk of bipolar disorder.
The findings suggest that drugs such as calcium channel blockers already used to treat hypertension and other conditions of the circulatory system can be investigated as potential treatments for bipolar disorder, but in the future. It is imperative that studies directly evaluate the effectiveness of these drugs.
The study also found an overlap in the genetic basis of bipolar disorder and other psychiatric disorders, confirming the presence of partially genetically distinct subtypes of the disorder. Specifically, we found that bipolar I disorder showed strong genetic similarity to schizophrenia, and bipolar II disorder was more genetically similar to major depression.
“This study would not have been possible without the joint efforts of scientists around the world who made it possible to study hundreds of thousands of DNA sequences,” said a professor of psychiatry at the Institute of Clinical Medicine and the University of Oslo Hospital. Ole Andreassen, MD, said. The author of the treatise. “Through this study, we prioritize some specific genes and DNA mutations that can be traced in laboratory experiments to better understand the biological mechanisms that act to increase the risk of bipolar disorder. I did. “
The biological insights gained from this study will ultimately lead to new and improved therapies to stratify patients at high genetic risk who may benefit from targeted treatments or intervention strategies. Or it could lead to the development of precision medicine approaches.
The Psychiatric Genomics Consortium (PGC) is an international consortium of scientists dedicated to the study of the genetic basis of mental illness, with more than 800 researchers from more than 150 institutions in more than 40 countries.
During the greatest heredity Research Previous bipolar disorder researchers have identified 64 regions of the genome that contain DNA mutations that increase the risk of bipolar disorder by more than twice the number previously identified.
The research team also found an overlap in the genetic basis of bipolar disorder and other psychiatric disorders. In addition, this study supports the role of sleep habits, alcohol, and substance use in the development of bipolar disorder, but further studies are needed to confirm these findings. The research results were published in Nature Genetics.
Bipolar disorder is a complex psychiatric disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of severe high and low moods, affecting an estimated 40 to 50 million people worldwide. It usually begins in early adulthood, often has a chronic course, increases the risk of suicide, and causes major public health concerns and global disability.
An international team of scientists within the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium conducted genome-wide association studies to help elucidate the underlying biology of bipolar disorder. This means that they scanned the DNA of many people and looked for more common genetic markers in people with bipolar disorder.
This included scanning over 7.5 million common variations of the DNA sequences of approximately 415,000 people, of which more than 40,000 had bipolar disorder. The study identified 64 regions of the genome that contained DNA mutations that increased the risk of bipolar disorder.
Dr. Niam Marines, an assistant professor of psychiatric genomics at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, said: Sinai and the lead author of the treatise. “Our study found DNA mutations involved in brain cell communication and calcium signaling that increase the risk of bipolar disorder.
The findings suggest that drugs such as calcium channel blockers already used to treat hypertension and other conditions of the circulatory system can be investigated as potential treatments for bipolar disorder, but in the future. It is imperative that studies directly evaluate the effectiveness of these drugs.
The study also found an overlap in the genetic basis of bipolar disorder and other psychiatric disorders, confirming the presence of partially genetically distinct subtypes of the disorder. Specifically, we found that bipolar I disorder showed strong genetic similarity to schizophrenia, and bipolar II disorder was more genetically similar to major depression.
“This study would not have been possible without the joint efforts of scientists around the world who made it possible to study hundreds of thousands of DNA sequences,” said a professor of psychiatry at the Institute of Clinical Medicine and the University of Oslo Hospital. Ole Andreassen, MD, said. The author of the treatise. “Through this study, we prioritize some specific genes and DNA mutations that can be traced in laboratory experiments to better understand the biological mechanisms that act to increase the risk of bipolar disorder. I did. “
The biological insights gained from this study will ultimately lead to new and improved therapies to stratify patients at high genetic risk who may benefit from targeted treatments or intervention strategies. Or it could lead to the development of precision medicine approaches.
The Psychiatric Genomics Consortium (PGC) is an international consortium of scientists dedicated to the study of the genetic basis of mental illness, with more than 800 researchers from more than 150 institutions in more than 40 countries.
This story was published from a news agency feed without changing the text. Only the heading has changed.
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