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The study highlights the “widespread adverse effects” of migraine on patients’ lives



Interview with Healio

Disclosure: Dehlin reports that he received compensation from Biohaven for summarizing the survey questions and from Neurology Live for the interview.

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Half of people with migraine reported in a National Headache Foundation survey that they were “very dissatisfied” with their ability to control their illness, but most patients receiving prophylactic treatment are better options. I was hoping for.

Studies show that dissatisfaction with the ability to control migraine headaches has led to “various emotions” such as frustration, malaise, stress, and anxiety. Most of the patients surveyed also reported fatigue associated with “new prophylactic treatment attempts and failures” (76%). However, most participants (82%) said they were “hopeful and optimistic” when starting a new treatment. More than half (53%) of these respondents said that the most important aspect of the new preventative treatment for migraine is the ability to increase the number of migraine-free days per month.

The study also looked at how migraine headaches can affect “imbalances.” Women and people of color.. Almost half (48%) of women with migraine reported that menstruation, menopause, or hormonal changes associated with childbirth exacerbated migraine activity. Black and Hispanic people with migraine headaches were more likely to experience anxiety, fear, and anxiety associated with receiving prophylactic treatment, including 77% of black patients and 73% of Hispanic patients. Both groups said they should have sought migraine care. Just a while ago.

Healio Neurology Jill Deline, RN, CHES, Chairman of the Patient Leadership Council of the National Headache Foundation. Learn more about the findings and their impact on healthcare providers.

Healio Neurology: Why this was prompted Research??

Deline: Founded 51 years ago, the National Headache Foundation adheres to its mission to raise awareness of migraine as a neurological disorder and its impact on people. As a patient advocacy group, it is important to listen to people with migraine headaches and gain their views on this debilitating disorder and how it affects their daily lives. As a result, we often work with the pharmaceutical industry and academia to conduct research to find out more about areas of interest or check in to make sure the information and resources we provide are valuable to the community. ..

Helio Neurology: Please give us an overview of the survey results.

Deline: Studies show that migraine headaches have a widespread negative impact on people’s lives: energy levels (64%), mental clarity (57%), productivity (54%), relationships (31-50%), and occupational Affects success (31-50%). 49%). Specifically, 65% of respondents said migraine headaches seemed to be life-threatening, and 52% said their illness was so unpredictable that they could not plan with friends, family and colleagues.

In addition, more than half (67%) found that the risk of anxiety and depression increased as the number of migraine attacks increased. In terms of prophylactic treatment experience, 84% of people currently receiving prophylactic treatment wanted better treatment options. They expressed their specific desire for what they were looking for in preventive treatment. The only most important attribute of prophylactic migraine treatment was the high number of migraine-free days per month (53%).

Helio Neurology: Why did the survey pay particular attention to women and people of color?

Deline: Our national survey included about 1,200 people with migraine headaches in the United States, including women and men.Almost People with migraines are women And our survey population reflected that. However, we also examined the various experiences of black and Hispanic people with migraines. We sought to understand the remaining unmet needs and the migraine community’s desire for preventative treatment. Interestingly, more than two-thirds (67%) of migraine patients who have tried or are currently receiving prophylactic treatment feel that they are pursuing the unattainable goal of controlling migraine. I will.

Helio Neurology: Tell us more about the results of black and Hispanic respondents.

Deline: Our study examined different experiences and emotions among people with migraine colors. Blacks and Hispanics with migraine headaches tended to be worried, afraid, and anxious when considering prophylactic treatment. However, when asked about treatment for the entire illness, 77% of blacks and 73% of Hispanic respondents said they should have sought treatment sooner. Blacks with migraines were found to address negative emotions about managing migraines more often than other ethnic groups. For example, 66% often feel very frustrated with adjusting treatments, and 66% feel they are “guinea pigs” because their healthcare providers are trying to find the right treatment.

Hispanics with migraine had a similar experience, but were less aware of preventative treatment options than others. For example, 73% feel they are managing migraine treatments in an attempt to find a suitable treatment and are chasing unattainable goals to control migraine headaches. Nine percent of the entire study population was told that there was nothing they could do about their illness, which happened to 15% of the Hispanics in our study. Hispanics with migraines tended to feel that migraines weakened their role as family, partners, and parents.

Educational inequality is much more pronounced in non-white ethnic groups, including Hispanics, blacks, and all other groups. Prepared with the knowledge that migraine can be a progressive disease, so that people suffering from migraine do not suffer longer or more than necessary to find a suitable treatment. There are opportunities for investment and further education among people of color. More migraine attacks. More migraine attacks can also lead to increased anxiety and depression. Over-the-counter and prescription drug abuse to treat acute attacks can lead to substance abuse headaches, also known as rebound headaches or substance-adapted headaches.

Helio Neurology: Did the survey results reveal anything unusual or unexpected?

Deline: As someone who has lived with migraines for over 20 years and has defended patients, it was not surprising in itself. There are many misconceptions about the stigma surrounding migraine and its consequences.No matter what, you need to make sure that there are no patients [sex]Races and ethnic groups are suffering more than necessary because they feel that their illness is not “bad enough.” It is not surprising that almost all (98%) are willing to try new oral treatments, as only 18% of participants are completely satisfied with their current prophylactic treatments.

Helio Neurology: How can these findings be used in clinical practice?

Deline: According to our study, 70% of people who experienced an increase in migraine frequency / severity met their health care provider within 1 year and 33% experienced exacerbation of migraine within 3 months. Did. However, 62% reported that they would like to see their health care providers sooner. Most people are happy with their health care provider’s knowledge of current treatments and admit to the frustration of living with migraine headaches, but about half of them remember what they talked about. It was only (47%). Prophylactic treatment options With them. Barriers to receiving prophylactic treatment included concerns about side effects (33%), or concerns that their insurance did not cover treatment or that there was a high out-of-pocket cost for treatment. Some (25%) believed that they could manage the seizures themselves or that treatment would not work, but most considered new oral prophylaxis. Over 50% were hopeful of trying new oral prophylaxis.

It is important for healthcare providers to recognize and address the emotional, professional, and personal impacts of migraine illness on people’s lives, not just pain. Nearly one in five women in the United States suffers from migraine headaches, because many of our studies have thought that they can manage migraine headaches themselves or that healthcare providers have nothing to do about it. Did not tell the health care provider about migraine headaches. This is what clinicians need to know.

Our goal is to provide information and resources to help people with migraines understand how to best manage their daily illness. This includes educating people around you, such as family, friends, and colleagues, about migraine headaches and their impact on daily activities. It also contains information that can help guide your discussion with your health care provider and ensure they receive the right care.


National Headache Foundation. Migraine Attack Prevention: Current Prospects. available: Accessed on May 24, 2021.

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