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US Coronavirus: Young Americans are lagging behind the Covid-19 vaccine.And experts are promoting vaccination against these threats


So far, the United States has made great strides in immunizing adults.At least 25 states and Washington DC have been fully vaccinated At least half of adult residents, The data released by the CDC on Sunday shows. However, many experts identify young Americans as an important age group for successful vaccination. This is the key to controlling the pandemic domestically.
People under the age of 24 are vaccinated at a much lower rate. According to the report, only 1.4% of 12 to 15 people received at least one dose, 1.7% of 16 to 17 years old and 7.6% of 18 to 24 years old. Data from the CDC.
At least to reach the protection threshold needed to limit the spread of the virus 70% to 85% of the U.S. population needs to be vaccinated Through vaccines and infectious diseases, health experts say. Not only can children, teens and young adults be vaccinated to reach that percentage, but if left unvaccinated, the virus spreads, mutates and strains resistant to existing vaccines. You have the opportunity to develop.
The stability of vaccines available to adolescents can quickly increase.Moderna received two doses of Covid-19 vaccine on Tuesday Seems safe and effective According to the company, it will ask children aged 12 to 17 for permission to use the vaccine and will submit the test results to the US Food and Drug Administration in early June.
Pfizer / BioNTech 2-dose coronavirus vaccine Approved on May 11th For children 12 to 15 years old.
Half of the states in the United States fully vaccinate at least 50% of adults.Impact is beginning to focus

Dr. Anthony Fauci warned young Americans who are hesitant or unmotivated to vaccinate that even mild Covid-19 infections can have life-threatening effects. ..

“There is a syndrome called Longcovid, which means it can take months after the virus is cleared,” the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases told the city hall on Monday. Said. Symptoms that may persist include severe malaise, muscle aches, thermoregulation, and lack of concentration.

A last year’s study by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that approximately one in five people between the ages of 18 and 34 infected with Covid-19 reported prolonged symptoms for more than two or three weeks.

And adolescents and children deserve protection from the risk of serious illness (no matter how small), Forch said.

Protecting students returning to school in the fall

As authorities look to the new semester, more and more focus is being placed on the protection of school-age adolescents.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said Monday’s children should return to school full-time throughout the state in September. His statement came after New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced in the fall that the city’s public schools had no remote options.

From lifted restrictions to lottery rewards, the state is finding new ways to encourage Covid-19 vaccination.

Currently, only students over the age of 12 are eligible for the vaccine, but research into vaccination of younger children is ongoing.

When New York City opens a public school on September 13, students must still wear face masks and comply with social distance guidelines, New York City Department of Education Prime Minister Meisha Porter said Monday. ..

“We never risk our most important asset, our children,” Porter said, with all schools equipped with social and emotional support resources for students. I added that there is.

The Los Angeles Unified School District in California announced that it will reopen its school campus for face-to-face learning five days a week in the fall. Director Austin Boytner realized that not all families in the district were ready to send their students back by then.

“We expect the majority of students, teachers and staff to attend school every day, but we recognize that we must provide online opportunities to those who need it.” He said.

Understanding the origin of the virus can help alleviate another pandemic

Understanding how the coronavirus occurred can affect the ability of officials to respond to future pandemics, but the debate about its origin is expanding.

A former U.S. Food and Drug Administration member said on Monday, Covid- 19 is the lab.

Zhao Lijian, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, responded to the report on Monday, accusing the United States of “hypeing the laboratory leak theory.”

“Through field visits and detailed visits in China, experts unanimously agreed that allegations of laboratory leaks were very unlikely,” Zhao said.

New information about Wuhan researchers & # 39; Illness facilitates debate about the origin of the pandemic

Dr. Scott Gottlieb wrote in CNBC’s “Squawk Box” that “the current challenge is that there is no ledger aspect to support the theory that this came from a zoonotic source, an animal source. I think it is. ” “And the aspects of the ledger that suggest that this may have come out of the lab continue to grow.”

Whether the virus is of animal or laboratory origin, it is important for health professionals to know, said Dr. Linawen, CNN Medical Analyst.

“If there is actually an intermediate animal between a bat and a human, we need to understand what its origin is, as there may be a storehouse of the disease we should be looking for.” Wen said. “If this is really a lab leak, it also needs to be understood to protect the lab’s safety protocol.”

Some of the unanswered questions include how seriously the researcher got sick, when he got sick, and whether the virus was already prevalent before that.

She said the Chinese government lacks transparency on this issue, but it is important that the global community is at the root of it.

“This is not the last pandemic we are trying to see, and understanding the origin of this will help us prevent this from happening in the future,” she said.

CNN’s Ryan Prior, Christina Maxouris, Holly Yan Jacqueline Howard, Lauren del Valle, and Laura Ly contributed to this report.


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