Doctors can prescribe time by the water for mental health
- The British valued the time spent at the water’s edge as the best natural activity to improve mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- A new program from the Mental Health Foundation in the United Kingdom allows doctors to prescribe water-based activities to improve depression.
- As urbanization progresses, the importance of nature for the well-being of people also makes sense for city planners seeking to create a healthy urban environment.
Time spent by the water According to a study by the British Mental Health Foundation, it was the most acclaimed activity in nature to improve people’s mental health through a pandemic of the COVID-19 coronavirus. Almost two-thirds of respondents said it had a positive effect on their mood and exceeded their time spent in the countryside as a mental health booster.
And it could soon become a prescription for the British.
Mental health problems have increased in recent years, and the impact of COVID-19 only exacerbates this trend. Two of the most common mental health conditions, depression and anxiety, The global economy costs $ 1 trillion annually..
One in four people will experience mental illness in their lives, causing an estimated $ 6 trillion loss to the global economy by 2030.
Mental illness is a major cause of disability and the consequences of poor living in adolescents aged 10 to 24 and accounts for up to 45% of the overall burden of illness in this age group. However, globally, young people have the worst access to mental health care for young people at all stages of their lives and illnesses, especially in the early stages.
In response, the forum has launched a series of global dialogues to discuss ideas, tools and architectures that enable public and private stakeholders to build an ecosystem for mental health promotion and disease management. did.
One of the key priorities today is to support global efforts towards mental health outcomes. We promote important recommendations for achieving global mental health goals such as WHO. Knowledge-Action-Portal And that Countdown Global Mental Health
Read more about our work A platform for shaping the future of health and healthcare,and Contact Us participate.
Economic and social in the UK Mental health costs have increased to about $ 168 billion annually over the last decade, Mental Health Foundation is now Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT) Provides a new water-based scheme.
The “Blue Prescription” will begin in the summer of 2021 and will run for a year for people who have little access to water-based nature in their daily lives. that is”Social prescription“This allows UK doctors and nurses to refer patients to local non-clinical services to better address their needs more globally and promote a healthy lifestyle and social ties.
Approximately 300 people can participate in the 6-week program at WWT’s London Wetland Center. It encourages you to be active, enjoy nature and connect with others.
Small test The results of the 2019 program showed that participants’ feelings of stress and anxiety were significantly reduced as a result of their interaction with the wetland environment.
Science supports nature as it enhances the mood of nature
“”Natural prescription ” Already available in Scotland for several years, projects are underway in Shetland and Edinburgh. And the benefits of water, and more broadly, the benefits of nature for depression, are not the only ones in the UK.
The· New Scientist Recently reported “Explosive increase in research “ We are finding a link between nature and mental health around the world, expanding the foundation of evidence. Adventures in nature have been shown to improve sleep, reduce stress and increase well-being, as well as increase attention, memory and creativity, the magazine said.
There are also international studies to measure appropriate exposure to nature, one of which suggests: At least 120 minutes a week It is necessary to have a positive impact on health and well-being.
Rethinking city planning
The findings also have important implications for city planning and design.
Maintaining good health can be difficult when living in a big city. Forum Healthy cities and communities An initiative by working to build innovative urban partnerships to help residents find a new focus on physical and mental health.
In 2020, the project continued to expand into new locations, effectively supporting the communities affected by COVID-19. Our work continues to take concrete action in 2021, sharing best practices and learning from all partner cities, allowing other cities to replicate and expand.
In Jersey City, USA, the Healthy Cities and Communitys initiative is working with Aero Farms to bring locally procured vertically grown vegetables to people in need. This initiative is also helping homeless people who are disproportionately affected by COVID-19.
In Mumbai, India (where more than 20 million people live), this initiative is working with a local startup community to address multiple hygiene issues.
Find out more and find out how to participate in the initiative Impact story..
According to a Canadian study Block with high density of trees He considered himself healthier and reported less cardiac metabolic status. Planting 10 more trees in the block affected people’s perceptions of health, as did an increase in personal income of $ 10,000. Respondents also felt quite young as a result of the improved natural environment.
These findings are important given the continuity Increased urbanization Around the world-and at the heart of it World Economic Forum Healthy Cities and Communities Initiative.
What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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