How to get dogs to deal with separation anxiety after COVID
Pets enjoyed all the attention from their owners and endless belly rubs as the office began working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic and blockade situation, the best of their lives for over a year. I’m spending time.
The extra time during the pandemic was a rewarding experience for both pets and their owners, as the workforce is expected to return to the office amid lower caseloads and higher vaccination rates. Small pouches can face Separation anxiety..
by Washington postDog adoption and sales increased dramatically in 2020, when people began spending most of their time at home. Americans tried to fill the life gap caused by the pandemic with a man’s best friend, the dog. Breeders across the United States were reporting waiting lists until 2021.
Now, when the office is starting to open again, experts say that separation stress from the owner can lead to a loss of interest in luxury treats among pets, which can be devastating or frustrating for pets. I said there is. In short, they will have a hard time dealing with the absence of a human company for a longer period of time.
Getting back to work requires a lot of adjustment for humans, but it’s even more difficult for puppies.
“many [dogs] Probably relatively quick and properly adjusted. Candice Crony, a professor of ethology and happiness at Purdue University’s School of Veterinary Medicine, said: HuffPost..
“Others can be more difficult, especially if they are devoted to separation anxiety before the stay-at-home order comes into effect,” she added. “Dog adopted from shelters who have less experience at home than they did during the pandemic may need additional assistance.”
The good thing is Expert He also suggested ways to deal with the dog’s overwhelming panic and strengthen his composure during this difficult transition.
Separation anxiety needs to be addressed very early on to avoid the possibility of things getting out of hand. Here are some ways you can prepare your pet to return to the office.
1. Desensitization technology- Desensitization techniques mean allowing your dog to spend time alone while you are away. That way, you can teach them to be independent, not pine, for your touch when you are in the office. Start with a short distance and gradually increase the time.
2. Avoid punishing them- Dogs act only on emotions-when they have an overwhelming panic, they can tear cushions or destroy expensive decorations. If the dogs are behaving, it simply means they are stressed. Punishing them only increases their anxiety. Experts say that positive encouragement for better behavior is much more useful than negative words.
3. Give more of those “scented” toys- Scented toys stimulate your pheromones Pets While looking for food, they work better on their brains and bodies with the same energy that wild animals have. Scented toys, treat-releasing toys, or food puzzle toys can help keep you busy all day and distract them from the pain of separation.
4. Normalize hello and goodbye- Make sure your emotions are checked when you go to the office or return from work, as they can have a significant impact on your pet’s behavior. Get out of the house with a good gesture, such as ringing a car key or making a simple farewell. When you get home, quietly greet your pet. That way, you’ll soon feel confident that you’ll be alone.
5. Seek expert help- If you’re busy with time, hire a professional trainer or veterinary activist to emotionally train your pet. It is always advisable to see a doctor if your dog’s separation anxiety gets out of hand.
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