Is Eating Disorder a Mental Illness? | Dr. Elaine Daniels
What is the relationship between eating disorders and mental illness?
Eating disorders are diagnosable mental illnesses. The Bible for diagnosing mental illness states: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Illness (DSM)..
Hundreds of DSMs published by the American Psychiatric Association Mental illness Both adults and children are categorized by symptom. Updated every few years, the current version is DSMV.
Eating disorders have their own DSMV category, Eating Disorders and Eating Disorders, or “FED” for short. (I don’t know if APA intended to be a pun.)
There are benefits to including eating disorders as a mental illness in the DSM.
First and foremost, recognizing an eating disorder as a mental illness enhances its legitimacy.
As a result, eating disorders are less likely to be considered rites of passage, epidemics, choices, or behaviors to attract attention.
Another benefit of recognizing eating disorders as a true mental illness is early diagnosis and treatment. (And insurance coverage.)
Identifying eating disorders as purely mental illness is oversimplified. There are three reasons.
1. It may not be diagnosed.
The National Eating Disorders Association reports that 20 million women and 10 million men in the country experience lifelong eating disorders. It’s a lot of people.
For many people, imagine asking people randomly from an eating disorder screening tool.
Questions such as “How afraid to gain 3 pounds?” Or, “How important is your weight to you compared to everything else in your life?”
What is the result of this experiment? People who have not been diagnosed with an eating disorder are most likely to report symptoms of an eating disorder.
so, When many people suffer from what is considered a disability Is this disability (whether or not you know it) a disability?
This is where diet culture goes into the equation. Or, as I often say, “I don’t know that fish are wet.”
2. The food culture is permanent.
What is “diet culture” in the first place? This is a set of beliefs that worship thinness and equate it with morality and success.
Diet culture is a lens that defines charm, value, health, and one’s body. It is the air you breathe and is one of the main factors that influence how you feel about yourself.
What does food culture have to do with eating disorders? All!
Food culture perpetuates eating disorders and makes recovery more difficult.
Activist, dance champion and marathoner Reagan Chastain said, “People with an eating disorder predisposition, currently suffering from an eating disorder, or trying to recover from an eating disorder. Diet culture is especially dangerous for people. “
Again, it’s a lot of people!
It is the belief of diet culture that “it is better to lose weight both mentally and physically”. The premise that “everyone can lose weight if they do their best” is the same. These are ingredients for eating disorder recipes.
We are surrounded by images and messages that reinforce this premise and hold us hostage.
The message is clear. To be successful, attractive, and valuable, you need to have a body of a certain size (thin) and follow a set of rules (such as fitness and diet plans).
Again, this is a fertile soil with eating disorders. (And a dark parody that went too far in the message.)
3. Beyond DSM as a culture-bound syndrome.
Culture-bound syndrome, according to the American Psychiatric Association, is a “cluster or group of relatively constant symptoms found in a particular cultural group, community, or context.”
What do Culture-bound Syndrome and Eating Disorders have in common?
A 1995 study on Fiji addresses exactly this issue. The mid-1990s were when American television first aired in Fiji.
Before the advent of television, there was no such thing as an eating disorder in Fiji. I was very particular about the food.
But Meals focused on the joy of eating And I was delighted with the many delicious dishes. Focusing on pleasure is the exact opposite of the message of diet culture.
By 1998, three years later, friend And Is Broadcast, especially for teens, that has changed.
Surprisingly, 11.3% of adolescent girls report that they are getting fit for weight loss. “I want a (actress’s) body … I want a size.”
By 2008, 45% of girls were purged last month. So is eating disorder a mental illness? Okay.
However, complex biological, temperament, genetic and sociocultural factors interact to cause eating disorders.
Diet culture is a major player in that equation. The message of food culture and the factors of eating disorders can be thought of as culture-dependent syndrome.
Diet culture is harmful to you. In fact, it does harm to anyone who has a body.
This includes people who are not on a diet. And even people on the South Pacific islands, who until recently had a zero rate of being diagnosed with eating disorders.
When thinking about eating disorders, consider that many factors contribute to their development and maintenance. They are mental illnesses, but they are not the only ones.
Dr. Elayne Daniels is a Massachusetts non-diet certified intuitive diet expert and clinical psychologist. If you are suffering from physical image or eating disorders, please contact her. On her website Or send an email to her.
This article was originally DrElayneDaniels.comReprinted with the permission of the author.
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