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“My daughter is gone,” says Cheltenham’s mother, who has a daughter who collapsed after a Tourette’s tic attack.

“My daughter is gone,” says Cheltenham’s mother, who has a daughter who collapsed after a Tourette’s tic attack.


Within hours, when the school called me that my daughter had fallen, my family’s life changed forever.

Now they want someone to hear their plea for help.

Just 10 weeks ago, Emma White, 46 years old Cheltenham The school called me to get there as soon as possible after my daughter fell.

The physical disability of a 13-year-old boy was the result of an extreme tic attack related to: Tourette’s syndrome..

Mrs. White claims that there is little support for children with Tourette’s syndrome and wants to hear from people with Tourette’s syndrome.

She also feels that the condition would not have progressed so rapidly if her daughter’s anxiety had been resolved sooner.

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“The problem with Tourette’s disorder is that it’s a neurotic disorder caused by anxiety and panic attacks,” she said.

“When the anxiety began, my daughter was 12 years old. The pandemic prevented her from managing all grades and, as often, settled on a major transition from elementary school to middle school.

“We could feel anxious as she panicked and became stressed, which caused her to heat up, annoy and dizziness.

“When the lockdown was unlocked and she returned to school, she shed tears, and I think it touched her heart because of the crowds and noise at school.

“I think young people didn’t know what to do with what was happening.”

The school reported to her mother that she noticed that the girl had mild head cramps and tics. However, Chick was unnoticed or seemed to be at home.

What is Tourette’s?

The NHS website states, “Tics are a major symptom of Tourette’s syndrome. They usually occur in childhood between the ages of 2 and 14 (on average around 6 years).

People with Tourette’s syndrome have a mixture of physical and voice tics.

Examples of physical tics include:

Blinking, turning eyes, frowning, shrugging, squeaking heads and limbs, jumping, spinning, touching objects and others.

Examples of voice tics include:

Grow, throat cleansing, whistling, coughing, tongue clicks, animal barks, say random words or phrases, repeat sounds, words, or phrases and swear.

“She’s gone that day.”

Mrs. White first saw her daughter having a terrible tic attack when she received a phone call from school saying she had fallen.

Mrs. White said: I took her directly to the accident and emergency department.

“The girl I took to the hospital wasn’t my daughter, she died that day. She shouted out and said something she wouldn’t normally think of. Her legs were out. It was. It was scary for her.

“We were in the waiting room for a medical examination, but a few hours later we returned home with an A5 paper explaining what Tourette’s disorder was.

“Our family doctor can’t help and is waiting for a child mental health service consultation.”

Mrs. White is disappointed with the NHS. They wait four months before getting an appointment for the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS).

She said, “We are dealing with this situation as a family, but there are also very tough days. We know she has a tic and it’s not her. It’s like a daughter and a different person. It seems like.

“We call Chick Steve and you can ask if it was she or Steve who replied to me.

“The dinner table is very frustrating. She was able to carry food from her fork to her mouth, so she could throw food and I had to sit down and feed her.

“The poor girl has lost control and threw a drink, so she has a cup with a lid.

“It’s been very serious for about six weeks. She’s sometimes aggressive, but she’s just heading for me, not her brother.

“I’m really worried about her. I know my kids will have a broken leg and get in a wheelchair because of tic disorder, so I have to help her take a bath too. . “

Mrs. White has made major changes to support her child at the financial cost of her family.

She said: “I was raising my business, parenting, but I had to quit because of the situation.

“I’m working at school from 9am to 3:30 pm now, so I can focus more on my daughter. That means I’ve lost a lot of my income. So this is because of the relaxation of the conditions. It means that it cannot be kept private.

“When we first asked for help with anxiety, we felt we wouldn’t have been this far if we had dealt with it properly, but no one knows what to do about this syndrome. I don’t seem to know. “

A petition was filed so that more could be done to help people with Tourette’s syndrome. The petition must be signed by 100,000 people before it can be heard in Congress.To support Click here for the cause..

The impact of the pandemic on CAMHS has delayed treatment for this condition.

In the joint statement NHS Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group and Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust, “The Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust provides pediatric and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) to provide treatment and support for neurodiversity problems such as ASD, ADHD, and other disorders such as Tourette’s. I will.

“Unfortunately, like the rest of the NHS, the pandemic puts a lot of pressure on the CAMHS, but the team sees the patient as quickly as possible and provides continuous support to the patient and family. I continue to work hard for.

“This includes escalation of appointments when appropriate or when symptoms worsen while young people are waiting for a consultation. We are very sorry to hear about your family’s experience. We encourage you to contact our PALS service to further investigate their individual concerns. “


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