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Plant-based and pescetarian diets can reduce the probability of severe COVID-19

Plant-based and pescetarian diets can reduce the probability of severe COVID-19


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Frontline doctors and nurses consuming Plant-derived Alternatively, a case-control study showed that a pescetarian diet was less likely to develop moderate to severe COVID-19.

“in the meantime [health care workers (HCWs)] Vaccinations are currently being carried out in many countries and are associated with the susceptibility and disease course of COVID-19 in physicians and nurses due to the emergence of new variants and challenges in global access to the COVID-19 vaccine. Understanding risk factors can help develop support strategies to protect these workers. Now and in the future ” Hyunju Dr. Kim, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg, an assistant scientist in the epidemiology department of the School of Public Health, a colleague wrote.

Mediterranean diet

Recent studies have shown that healthcare professionals on a plant-based or pescetarian diet are less likely to develop moderate to severe COVID-19. Photo source: Adobe Stock.

The researchers analyzed survey responses from 2,884 doctors and nurses in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States. Doctors working in the ICU and / or the critical care unit had symptoms of COVID-19 and had COVID-19 test results). The survey was conducted from July 17, 2020 to September 25, 2020. Of the health care workers, 568 were infected with COVID-19, 138 were considered moderate to severe cases, and the remaining participants served as controls.

Results announced in BMJ Nutrition, Prevention and Health, After adjusting demographic data, smoking, physical activity, body mass index, and medical history, 73% (OR = 0.27; 95% CI) of doctors and nurses showed that they followed a plant-based diet or a pescatarian diet. , 0.1-0.81) was shown. ) And 59% (OR = 0.41; 95% CI, 0.17-0.99) had moderate to severe COVID-19 severity odds compared to healthcare professionals who stated they did not follow these diets. Each is low. Healthcare professionals who said they ate a low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet were more likely to have moderate to severe COVID-19 than those who said they followed a plant-based diet (OR). = 3.86; 95% CI, 1.13- 13.24). No association was found between the self-reported diet and COVID-19 infection or duration.

“Interestingly, if we limit the cases to those who have a positive reaction, [polymerase chain reaction] Or individuals who reported that they were following a plant-based diet or a pescetarian diet on antibody tests were less likely to be infected with COVID-19, “Kim and colleagues wrote.

Researchers say that plant-based diets are rich in nutrients, especially vitamins A, C, D, and E, which support the immune system and protect doctors and nurses from respiratory infections. It suggests that it may have happened. Similarly, “the pescetarian diet is within the scope of a plant-based diet,” “has anti-inflammatory effects,” and is an “important source of vitamin D and omega 3 fatty acids.” Specifically, they have shown that omega 3 increases good results in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome, they wrote.

“Future studies using detailed macronutrient and micronutrient data are guaranteed to study the association between dietary intake and the severity of COVID-19,” said Kim and colleagues.

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