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A virus outbreak in a Hawaiian prison triggers a proceeding inmates


A class action proceeding on behalf of Hawaiian prisoners states that the state was unable to protect people from the COVID-19 epidemic in unsanitary prisons.

Nearly half of the people detained in Hawaii were infected with the virus, and five of the nine facilities had an “out of control epidemic,” killing at least nine people, according to the complaint.

In the proceedings, prisoners who are asymptomatic or have a negative test result are in the same cell as prisoners who are positive or symptomatic, and the containment chamber is disinfected or disinfected when a virus-positive inmate leaves. It describes situations such as being uncleaned and moving in new prisoners, and the prisoners pushed each other while lining up for a meal.

The Department of Public Security has been advised not to comment on pending legal issues, and a spokesman for the Department of State’s Attorney General’s Office, which operates eight prisons and prisons in Hawaii, said it would submit an answer in court. Mann, Toni Schwartz, said. Approximately 1,000 convicted prisoners in Hawaii are being held at the Sawaro Correction Center in Eloy, Arizona.

Although some residents and staff have been vaccinated, the lawsuit said the disease may still be widespread, state officials said, “to accept vaccinations for protected individuals and their staff. We need an effective plan to educate and encourage. “

According to the proceedings, the epidemic could easily spread to the surrounding community as residents come and go for court hearings.

Eric Seitz, a lawyer representing prisoners, said he would ask a judge to appoint someone to ensure that correctional facilities comply with public health guidelines.

He prepared a motion to file the proceeding, but the proceeding was transferred to federal court on Tuesday at the request of the state, Seitz said.

In a motion, nearly half of the inmates at the Big Island Correction Center tested positive within the two weeks of May and June, saying that “prisoners 6 feet away from the toilet routinely flooded with human urine. It further explains the state such as “is”. And the prisoners sleeping on a mat just a few inches away.

“Their requests for the use of the toilet are often denied, forcing detainees to urinate in drinking cups,” the motion said.

According to the motion, there was a riot in prison on Friday as access to regular toilets was not provided. The public security bureau said in a news release that the riot was “quickly contained” and that there were no major injuries after the blockade of one housing module, the public security bureau said in a news release that the cause of the turmoil is under investigation. Stated.

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