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The number of viruses in Alabama is increasing as stores and other facilities open. COVID-19


Montgomery, Alabama-The number of coronavirus cases in Alabama continued to rise on Saturday, as some cities had deregulated the country’s ongoing deregulation since the beginning of the global crisis.

As of Saturday night, more than 7,600 cases of COVID-19 were reported in the state, according to state health data. The virus killed at least 288 people in Alabama.

Fair Hope Pier in Baldwin County officially reopened on Saturday, WKRG-TV reported

“I think it’s good, I can take my wife and grandson just to see the water,” said Wayne Davis, who visited the pier with his family.

“I think it’s a good idea for everyone who loves to come here and enjoy the pier,” Davis said.

The pier was one of the last open public spaces in the county because Alabama’s beaches were closed within the restrictions set to slow the spread of the virus.

“It means they did what they had to do to keep things safe, I can’t complain about it,” Charlie Hadley was visiting the pier on Saturday. Said. “I was there from around 8am to around 9:30 am, during which time it was easy to keep a social distance when few people were at a distance. I thought I would be busier before lunch, during the first weekend of operation. The only noticeable change is a sign that reminds pedestrians to stay more than 6 feet away. ”

The pier was one of the first venues to open in a few weeks as Governor Kay Ivy’s “safer at home” order allowed some businesses to resume in limited ways.

Opelika Auburn News reported that Wrapsody, a store in downtown Auburn, welcomed customers into the store on Friday.

“To be honest, it feels like opening a brand new store,” said store assistant manager Rachel Acosta. “Today was a wonderful day”

Fab’rik manager Kelsey Fuller said it’s difficult to wait to get back to the store.

“This month was so crazy that we had to wait a minute, wait and see when we could open,” she said. “We were praying and wishing it was May 1st.

For many companies, the biggest challenge during downtime was the lack of face-to-face customer interaction.

“Our online business is doing very well, but we haven’t got a 1: 1 customer experience,” said Chloe Floyd, Behind the Glass Manager.

Beyond the glass, in-store customers should wear face masks and keep 6 feet away while shopping.

Fab’rik has installed disinfectants throughout the store as part of additional safety measures for its customers.

Most downtown companies say their customer turnout is better than expected.

“As soon as it opened at 11am, a significant number of customers visited and all of them could find something,” Fuller said.

Acosta said Rhapsody is grateful to the community for withdrawing and helping local stores.

“It’s been busy since we opened the door and it’s great that everyone here has shown their support with us,” she said. “In every situation, I really appreciate all of you for shopping with us. It was a great day.”


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