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'The Nursery' Actor Zack Norman Dies at 83

'The Nursery' Actor Zack Norman Dies at 83


In the early hours of this Tuesday, April 30, the news of the death of Zack Normandsupporting actor born in Boston, United States, known for his participation in series such as The nanny (it was Uncle Jack) and Baywatch. He was about to turn 84 this month.

Norman's daughter, Lori Zuker Briller, paid him a warm tribute in a Facebook post. “Wherever you stayed, I know everything became more alive,” he wrote. “You were the most enigmatic person wherever you went. The best father, husband, grandfather and friend, you brought laughter and a lot of enrichment to all of our lives.

Born Howard Jerrold Zuker on May 27, 1940, he also worked as a comedian and producer. He began to make a name for himself in comedy when he made his debut in front of the cameras in the series Johnny Carson in 1969. Then, on the big screen, he was part of the cast of films such as After the lost emerald, Cadillac Man Yes Baby fever.

Norman was a sort of standapero who shone in the 60s. He worked in the Playboy, Flamingo, Las Vegas and Copacabana clubs in New York. The distant and distinguished style got him started on television doing monologues in The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson.

Zack Norman works with Robin Williams, Michael Douglas and Tim Robbins.Zack Norman works with Robin Williams, Michael Douglas and Tim Robbins.

Her career never fully took off, however, and she began to be a face used for supporting roles. He nevertheless managed to work alongside big names in the sector, such as Robin WilliamsDanny DeVito, Michael Douglas, Tim Robbins or Robert Downey Sr.

He made half a dozen films in the 1970s before working on Ragtime (1981), by Milos Forman, and chosen to play cousin Ira in After the lost emerald (1984), by Robert Zemeckis, adventure film with Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner.

He also starred in the comedy Americaby Robert Downey Sr., the actor's father Chaplinand co-directed and starred in Chief Zabu. He appeared in nine films by Harry Jaglom – actor, director and playwright – including Festival in Cannes (2001), Hollywood dreams (2006) and Ovation (2015).

In theater and cinema

Norman also starred in more than 20 plays during his long, mostly silent career and produced several films, most under his real name.

Variety wrote of Norman: “There are people over the decades who have become fixtures, from Al Jolson to Jimmy Durante, from Michael Ovitz to Harvey Weinstein. But no one's presence has been as constant as Zack Norman's.” The reason for this was not his fame, but rather the fact that in the 1980s, Norman regularly bought space in this medium to always promote himself on page 6.

He was also an inveterate art collector who knew how to accumulate wealth outside of the set. To do this, he acquires emerging artists. One of them was Basquiat. In 1982, Norman purchased “Hannibal” from Basquiat from the artist’s studio for $3,200. This piece was sold on October 9, 2016 at Sotheby's for more than ten million dollars.

According to initial reports, the actor died of natural causes at the age of 83, just weeks before his birthday.




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