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“Some people are at increased risk of motor neuron disease with strenuous exercise”; ITV News


Scientists have found that strenuous exercise can increase the risk of developing motor neuron disease (MND).

The role of motor in the development of motor neuron disease is controversial and previous studies have been inconclusive.

A study at the University of Sheffield found that exercise was more likely to cause motor nerve damage only in patients with risk genotypes, and said that as a result of the study, people should not stop exercising.

It is believed that when oxygen levels in the body drop during strenuous exercise, motor neurons can undergo a process called oxidative stress. Motor neurons are the largest and most oxygen-requiring cells in the body.

This can lead to damage and ultimately kills the cells of people with that genetic vulnerability.

Studies have shown that MND is more common in professional athletes and is more likely to suffer from symptoms from an early age.

Previous studies have shown that the risk of MND in professional soccer players is estimated to be six times higher, researchers say.

Many well-known British sportsmen in recent years have shared their experiences with MND, including Rugby League Rob Burrow, Rugby Union Doddy Weir, and soccer player Stephen Darby.

Former Dutch soccer player Fernando Ricksen He died in 2019 at the age of 43 after fighting motor neuron disease.

Dodi Weir credit: Pennsylvania

MND, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), is a catastrophic, rapidly progressive, relatively common neurodegenerative disease that connects the nervous system and muscles to allow body movements in the brain and spinal cord. Affects motor neurons.

The messages from these nerves gradually stop reaching the muscles, weakening, stiffening, and eventually weakening.

MND affects about 5,000 people in the United Kingdom, and the lifetime risk of developing this condition is about 1 in 400.

Approximately 10% of MND cases are hereditary, while the remaining 90% are caused by complex genetic and environmental interactions that are not well understood.

One of the authors, Dr. Jonathan Cooperknock, said:

“This study found that frequent strenuous exercise increased the risk of MND in some people.

“It is important to emphasize that we know that most people do not develop MND with strenuous exercise.

Rob Burrows credit: Pennsylvania

“Sports have many health benefits, and most sportsmen and women do not develop MND.

“The next step is to identify who is specifically at risk for MND if you exercise frequently and intensively, and how much exercise increases that risk.”

Dr. Cooper Knock, a senior lecturer in neurology at the University’s Institute of Neuroscience, said:

“There is an urgent need to understand this interaction in order to discover pioneering treatments and preventive strategies for this cruel and debilitating disease.”

Sheffield’s team says the new study will have a significant impact on global efforts to identify individuals at risk for MND based on genes.

The goal is to allow physicians to advise the family of MND patients about their risks, allowing them to make personal decisions about their exercise habits.

Dr. Brian Dicky, Director of Research and Development at the Motor Neuron Disease Association, said: sick.

“This is because genetic and environmental studies tend to be performed in isolation by separate research teams, and in part, each deals with only part of a jigsaw puzzle.

“The power of this research by the University of Sheffield comes from combining these puzzle pieces.”

The findings are published in the journal EBioMedicine.

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