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Ed Young’s Pulitzer Prize Winner-Pandemic Press

Ed Young’s Pulitzer Prize Winner-Pandemic Press


Staff writer Atlantic Since 2015, Yong has been awarded the 2021 Pulitzer Prize for descriptive coverage.

Viral protein illustration
Getty / Atlantic

In a series of definitive works that won the Pulitzer Prize for descriptive coverage in 2021 AtlanticEd Young predicted the course of the coronavirus pandemic, uncovered its dangers, and highlighted the tragic failure of the US government to control it.

Mr. Yong, who has been a staff writer at Atlantic Since 2015, long before the advent of COVID-19, we have begun to warn readers about the US pandemic preparedness vulnerability. In 2018, we published his visionary research.When the next plague strikesHe correctly predicted a series of interrelated dangers: the collapse of international communication, the chronic lack of public health funding, the lack of federal supplies and scientific expertise, and President Donald Trump’s leader. Insufficient as.

Here are some of Yong’s breakthroughs over the last 16 months:

How the pandemic ends

The United States could end up with the worst COVID-19 outbreak in the developed world. It will be played like this.

March 2020

Everyone thinks the mask is correct

How the coronavirus moves through the air has become one of the most controversial debates in this pandemic.

April 2020

Pandemic summer

The resumption of the United States will not end the fight against the coronavirus. Here’s how the nation must prepare itself:

April 2020

Why the new coronavirus causes confusion

A guide to understanding problems that are now too big to be fully understood by one person

April 2020

The American patchwork pandemic is getting worse

Coronaviruses travel through different parts of the United States in different ways, making it difficult to predict, control, or understand crises.

May 2020

COVID-19 can last for months

The “long-distance carrier” of the disease has endured a constant wave of debilitating symptoms and distrust from doctors and friends.

June 2020

Pandemic experts are not okay

Many American public health professionals are at risk of burning out as the coronavirus surges again.

July 2020

Long haul carriers are redefining COVID-19

A pandemic cannot be understood without understanding the protracted illness that some patients experience.

August 2020

Immunology is where intuition dies

This is unfortunate because we really need to understand how the immune system reacts to the coronavirus.

August 2020

How the pandemic defeated America

The virus has kneeled the most powerful country in the world.

September 2020

America is trapped in a pandemic spiral

As the United States heads for winter, the country circles and makes the same conceptual mistakes that have been plagued since spring.

September 2020

Core lessons of COVID-19 mental debate

The new coronavirus looks very strange. That’s because we pay close attention to it in a way that most viruses don’t.

September 2020

The true meaning of strength when sick

The metaphor that Mr. Trump and others use when talking about COVID-19 exacerbates the pandemic.

October 2020

America is trying to choose how bad the pandemic will be

If Donald Trump is reelected, he will continue to downplay the threat of the coronavirus and more Americans will get sick.

October 2020

“No one is listening”

More people are hospitalized with COVID-19 than ever before. Healthcare workers shouldn’t stay that way.

November 2020

The hospital knows what’s coming

“We are on an absolutely devastating path,” said COVID-19, MD, the most prepared hospital in the United States.

November 2020

How science overcomes viruses

What I lost in the process

January / February 2021

Where is the second year of the pandemic going?

When the vaccine is deployed, the United States will face choices about what to learn and what to forget.

December 2020

What Happens When Americans Finally Exhale

The mental wounds of the pandemic are still open.

May 2021

The underlying problem of the pandemic is changing

We understand how this ends up. But who bears the remaining risks?

June 2021


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