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Holidaymakers put off booking UK hotels as bed bug reports soar 278% in two years

Holidaymakers put off booking UK hotels as bed bug reports soar 278% in two years


Holidaymakers are putting off booking hotels in the UK as reports of bedbugs have risen 278% in the past two years, a survey has found.

Experts are concerned that parasitic insects are increasing rapidly, with the number of cases in hotels more than fivefold in the first three months of 2024 compared to the same period last year. received 1,319 complaints about bed bugs in UK hotels in 2023, compared to 826 in 2022 and 457 in 2021.

Spotta, an insect monitoring company, said bedbug levels have increased 278% in hotels across the country over the past two years.

Travel experts say the outbreak is preventing people from booking holidays in the UK and hotels are reluctant to say what steps they are taking to prevent bed bugs.

Travel expert Simon Calder said: Recent bed bug outbreaks are preventing some people from taking the holidays and short breaks they deserve. Worrying about these pesky insects can have long-term effects on your behavior.

And if people decide not to travel out of fear, this will be devastating to an industry still recovering from the effects of the pandemic.

He added that the hospitality industry and travel in general must address this issue quickly.

A survey by Censuswide found that almost a quarter (22%) of UK consumers have postponed hotel bookings this year due to recent outbreaks in the UK and abroad.

Mr Calder said: I've spoken to fellow travelers who have actually canceled trips because of concerns about bites, and I've also met hotels who are reluctant to speak publicly about their bedbug measures.

Consumers need to be reassured that hotels are taking steps to deal with the situation and that they are prepared to pay more for hotels that express their concerns about the problem.

Detection rate higher than flies

The French capital was hit by a bedbug infestation last year, with social media users posting footage of bedbugs crawling on seats in Paris' subway, trains and buses.

They have also been spotted in restaurants, cinemas and even Charles de Gaulle Airport, and the French government has vowed to combat the insect scourge that threatens the city's 2024 Olympic Games.

But Robert Fryers, CEO and co-founder of Spotta, which provides artificial intelligence monitoring technology to hotels to detect bed bugs before they spread, said there had been more cases of bed bugs in London recently.

Over the past six months, detection rates in London were actually 28% higher than in Paris, he told The Telegraph.




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