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Kilgore names 23-player roster for 2024 SheBelieves Cup, presented by Visa

Kilgore names 23-player roster for 2024 SheBelieves Cup, presented by Visa


CHICAGO (March 26, 2024) United States Women's National Team interim head coach Twila Kilgore named the 23-player roster for the 2024 SheBelieves Cup, presented by Visa, which will take place on 6 and April 9 in Atlanta and Columbus, Ohio.

The squad includes 19 players from the team that won the 2024 Concacaf W Gold Cup, beating Brazil 1-0 in the championship match on March 10. Striker Mallory Swanson, only 25 years old, returns to a squad for the first time since. suffering a serious knee injury on April 8, 2023. If she played in the opening match of the SheBelieves Cup, it would mark just under a year to the day since Swanson's last USWNT cap. She has played two matches so far this season for the Chicago Red Stars and trained with the United States ahead of the Concacaf W Gold Cup. Swanson was named the Visa SheBelieves Cup MVP following the 2023 tournament after scoring in every game while helping the United States win the tournament title.

Striker Catarina Macario is also back after a long recovery from a serious knee injury. Macario, 24, returned to the field in style for Chelsea, scoring in her first two games off the bench and providing an assist in the Blues' 3-0 UEFA Women's Champions League win over Ajax on March 19 and establishing the score. last goal in Chelsea's March 24 victory against Aston Villa. Macario has not played for the United States since April 12, 2022, a match in which she scored twice against Uzbekistan. If she were to compete in the SheBelieves Cup opener, it would mark just under two years to the day since Macarios was last selected to the USWNT. Macario earned Visa SheBelieves Cup MVP honors in 2022.

To complete the squad, two players are currently plying their trade in Europe: Paris Saint-Germain defender Eva Gaetino, 21, and Ajax midfielder Lily Yohannes, 16, who are both receiving their first call-up to the senior team. Gaetino scored the opening goal in PSG's quarter-final win over BK Hacken on March 20 while Yohannes started and put in a strong performance against Chelsea.

This SheBelieves Cup roster includes 17 players from the NWSL at the start of the season and six who will come to Atlanta from Europe: Lindsey Horan (Olympique de Lyon), Emily Fox (Arsenal FC), Korbin Albert (Paris Saint-Germain), Macario. , Gaetino and Yohannes. All except Fox are playing for clubs still alive in the UEFA Women's Champions League quarter-finals.

This is an evolving team that is eager to get back together and continue to progress, said Kilgore, who will coach her final two matches in the role before joining new USWNT head coach Emma Hayes , as an assistant. The W Gold Cup gave many players the necessary experiences and presented us with different adversities that we had to overcome together. We will take all of these experiences with us into SheBelieves and beyond. Of course, we're excited to welcome Mal and Cat back and continue to bring less experienced players into the mix.

The list includes scorers for 14 of the United States' 15 goals at the Concacaf Gold Cup, led by tournament MVP Jaedyn Shaw (4 goals), Lindsey Horan (3), Alex Morgan (2), Olivia Moultrie ( 2), Jenna Nighswonger. (2) and Sophia Smith (1).

United States Women's National Team Roster by Position (Club) SheBelieves Cup 2024

GOALKEEPERS (3): Jane Campbell (Houston Dash), Casey Murphy (North Carolina Courage), Alyssa Naeher (Chicago Red Stars)

DEFENDERS (8): Abby Dahlkemper (San Diego Wave FC), Crystal Dunn (NJ/NY Gotham FC), Tierna Davidson (NY/NJ Gotham FC), Emily Fox (Arsenal FC, ENG), Eva Gaetino (Paris Saint-Germain , FRA), Naomi Girma (San Diego Wave FC), Casey Krueger (Washington Spirit), Jenna Nighswonger (NY/NJ Gotham FC)

MIDFIELDERS (6): Korbin Albert (Paris Saint-Germain, FRA), Sam Coffey (Portland Thorns FC), Lindsey Horan (Olympique Lyon, FRA), Olivia Moultrie (Portland Thorns FC), Emily Sonnett (NJ/NY Gotham FC), Lily Yohannes (AFC Ajax, NED)

FORWARDS (6): Catarina Macario (Chelsea FC, ENG), Alex Morgan (San Diego Wave FC), Trinity Rodman (Washington Spirit), Jaedyn Shaw (San Diego Wave FC), Sophia Smith (Portland Thorns FC), Mallory Swanson ( Chicago Red Stars)

The opportunities to play against Japan, Brazil or Canada are always exciting and meaningful, and each team brings different strengths and challenges, Kilgore added. With these two games, we are now three games into a five-game stretch against teams also qualified for the Olympics. So the timing of this event and facing these opponents is extremely valuable as we both continue to evaluate and prepare for the Olympics. Everyone also wants to do their best, not only for their country and themselves, but knowing that Emma will join us soon.


All four teams enter the tournament ranked among the top 10 in the world, all competed in last year's SheBelieves Cup tournament, and all four qualified for the 2024 Olympics. Due to the change in competition windows of FIFA and the organization of the Concacaf W Gold Cup in February and March, the format of the SheBelieves Cup is also changing this year. Although there will still be four participants, there will be four matches instead of the usual six and the teams will play in the semi-finals (April 6), a third place match and the championship (April 9). The format will return to three doubleheaders in 2025.

In the semifinals on April 6 at Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta, the United States (#4) will face Japan (#7) at 12:30 p.m. ET (TNT, Universo, Max & Peacock) and Brazil (#10) will face Canada (#9) at 3:30 p.m. ET (Universo, Max & Peacock).

The four nations will then travel to Columbus, Ohio, with Field hosting the final two matches of the tournament at 4 p.m. ET and 7 p.m. ET on April 9 as the winners of the semifinals will play in the championship and the losers will play in third . Place the correspondence. The United States will play at 7 p.m. ET (TBS, Universo, Max & Peacock), whether they are playing in the championship or third place match, and the other game will be at 4 p.m. ET (TBS, Universo, Max & Peacock). ).


For the fifth consecutive year, SheBelievesCup title sponsor Visa will award the MVP trophy to the tournament's most outstanding player. The award will be announced following the conclusion of the final match on April 9 and with input from a selection committee made up of representatives from the four competing nations.

For the fourth year in a row, fans will also have the opportunity to vote for the VisaSheBelievesCup MVP Award by using an online ballot to select from a list of finalists chosen by the committee. Fan voting will be incorporated into the overall determination of the 2024 VisaSheBelievesCup MVP.

Spanish forward Alexia Putella took home the top prize in 2020 while American Rose Lavelle took top honors in 2021. Macario took top honors in 2022, followed by Swanson in 2023.

Additional Notes: The opening day of SheBelieves 2024 at Mercedes-Benz in Atlanta sold more than 37,000 tickets, making it the third largest national attendance for a non-World Cup, non-Olympic match in the history of the United States. The top two attendances on this list both came in the first matches on American soil after winning the World Cup, 49,504 on August 29, 2019 against Portugal at Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) and 44,028 on August 16. , 2015, against Costa Rica at Heinz Field in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Approximately 4,000 tickets remain on sale for the second day of play at Field in Columbus. Sophia Smith scored a hat-trick in the United States' first-ever match at Field, against Uzbekistan on April 9, 2022. Eva Gaetino, a former Notre Dame star, has decided to forgo the 2024 NWSL Draft and sign with Paris Saint. -Germain, where she is teammates with USWNT midfielder Korbin Albert. Gaetino scored his first professional goal on March 20, and it was an important goal, helping PSG defeat Swedish club Hacken, 2-1, in the first leg of the UEFA Women's Champions League quarterfinals. Gaetino is the youngest American to score in the UEFA Women's Champions League round of 16. She recently spent time with the United States Women's Under-23 National Team in early 2023, earning call-ups in February and March of that year. Lily Yohannes, who signed a professional contract at the age of 15 with Ajax, was born in Springfield, Virginia, and her family moved to the Netherlands when she was 10 years old. She participated in U.S. Youth National Team camps at the U-15 and U-16 levels and was invited to participate with the U.S. U-17 Women's National Youth Team ahead of Concacaf Qualifiers during this World Cup cycle, but his commitments to Ajax prevented his participation. Yohannes is a regular starter for Ajax, who sit second in the Eredivisie Vrouwen, and she has started six UEFA Women's Champions League matches for the club this season. She is the youngest player to be called up for a full national team camp since 16-year-old Sophia Smith was called up in April 2017 for training camp ahead of games against Russia in Texas. Yohannes is the youngest player in history to start a UEFA Women's Champions League match. Only four US W Gold Cup players have 100 or more caps: Alex Morgan (221), Crystal Dunn (143), Lindsey Horan (144) and Alyssa Naeher (102). Seven players on this list have 10 or fewer caps, including two uncapped players in Gaetino and Yohannes. Ten players called up for this camp were on the United States' roster for the 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup and eight Dahlkemper, Davidson, Dunn, Horan, Morgan, Naeher, Sonnett and Swanson were on the roster for the Cup champions Ten players called up for the 2024 SheBelieves Cup were on the USWNT roster for the delayed 2021 Tokyo Olympics. Seven players Albert, Coffey, Gaetino, Moultrie, Nighswonger, Shaw and Yohannes were named on their first SheBelieves Cup roster while 10 players from this roster were on the USWNT roster for the 2023 SheBelieves Cup. The remaining six players on this roster have previous SheBelieves Cup experience. There are three teenagers on the list: Yohannes, 16, Moultrie, 18, and Shaw, 19. Moultrie and Shaw participated in the 2022 FIFA U-20 Women's World Cup in Costa Rica with Korbin Albert, now 20 years old. The squad includes a total of 10 players born after the 1999 FIFA Women's World Cup, which will celebrate its 25th anniversary this summer. Fourteen players on this list were born after the 1996 Summer Olympics, which were the first Olympics to feature women's soccer and marked the first gold medal won by the USWNT. Twelve clubs and only seven different NWSL clubs are represented on this list. NWSL champions NJ/NY Gotham FC and San Diego Wave FC lead the way with four players each while Portland Thorns FC have three. Paris Saint-Germain, Washington Spirit and Chicago Red Stars also have several players on this SheBelieves Cup roster.




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