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How much money does a family of 4 need to live comfortably in US cities

How much money does a family of 4 need to live comfortably in US cities


A family of four needs to earn more than $275,000 to live comfortably in some of the most expensive U.S. cities, a recent SmartAsset analysis reveals.

“Comfortable” is defined as the income needed to cover a 50/30/20 budget for a family of two adults and two children. This budget assumes that 50% of monthly income can cover necessities such as housing and utilities, 30% can cover discretionary spending, and 20% can be set aside for savings or investments.

SmartAsset extrapolated the income needed for a 50/30/20 budget based on the cost of basic necessities, using data from MIT's living wage calculator.

Here's a look at how much income a family of four needs to live comfortably in the 20 most expensive U.S. cities:

San Francisco: $339,123 San Jose, California: $334,547 Boston: $319,738 Arlington, Virginia: $318,573 New York: $318,406 Oakland, California: $316,243 Urban Honolulu, Hawaii: $299,520 Irvine, California : $291,450 Santa Ana, California: $291,450 Portland, Oregon: $289,786 San Diego: $289,453 Chula Vista, California: $289,453 Newark, New Jersey: $285,043 Jersey City, New Jersey: $285,043 Seattle: $283,712 Aurora, Colorado: $280,467 Long Beach, California: $280,218 Anaheim, California: $280,218 Los Angeles: $276,557 Washington, DC: $275,642

San Francisco is the most expensive city overall, with an income of $339,123 needed for a family of four. Next are other cities known for notoriously high housing costs, including Boston, New York, Honolulu and Los Angeles.

In California, homes are about twice as expensive as typical American homes, according to the Legislative Analyst's Office, a nonpartisan government agency in that state. The state also has the fourth highest cost of living in the United States, according to 2023 survey data from the Council for Community & Economic Research.

Of the 99 cities SmartAsset examined, a family of four would need a median home value of $226,886 to live comfortably. In Houston, the income requirement drops to $175,219, the lowest of all cities examined. But that's still higher than the median family income in the United States, which is $92,750, according to the most recent data available from the U.S. Census Bureau.

While employers in these high-cost cities tend to offer above-average salaries to attract and retain talent, housing costs can make it difficult to maintain a 50/30/20 budget.

And in big cities, housing costs often exceed 30% of a household's income, leaving little room for other necessities like utilities, food and transportation. To make ends meet, families may forgo homeownership, vehicle ownership, or discretionary purchases.

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