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France, India, Russia, UK, Israel issue travel warnings amid Iran-Iran tensions | dispute news

France, India, Russia, UK, Israel issue travel warnings amid Iran-Iran tensions |  dispute news


Countries including France, India, Russia, Poland and the United Kingdom have warned their citizens not to travel to Israel, the occupied Palestinian territories and, in some cases, the wider region amid threats of attacks by Iran in response to the Iranian strike this month. . Damascus Consulate.

Iran has threatened retaliation against Israel for the deaths of seven Islamic Revolutionary Guard members, including two generals, in an airstrike in the Syrian capital on April 1, raising concerns that violence in the Middle East could escalate. .

France's European and Foreign Affairs ministry on Friday advised its citizens to avoid travel to Iran, Lebanon, Israel and the Palestinian territories.

In a statement posted on social media platform

Britain has told its citizens to avoid all but essential travel to Israel and Palestine over possible Iranian attacks on Israeli territory.

In an update, the British Foreign Office warned that it had banned all travel to northern Israel, the Gaza Strip, areas near Gaza, the West Bank except occupied East Jerusalem, and Route 1 between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

Russia highlighted the security risks to Israel, Lebanon and Palestine and strongly advised its citizens to avoid traveling to these regions.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the situation in the Palestine-Israel conflict zone and the Blue Line area between Lebanon and Israel remains unstable.

Poland's Foreign Ministry also advised against travel to Israel, Palestine and Lebanon.

“The possibility of a sudden escalation of military operations cannot be ruled out, which would cause significant difficulties in leaving these three countries,” the Ministry of Defense said in a statement. If the situation escalates, air traffic could be significantly restricted and land borders could become impassable.

India's statement addressed Iran and Israel and urged Indians to avoid going to the two countries until further notice, considering the prevailing situation in the region.

The Ministry of External Affairs in New Delhi said Indian citizens residing in both countries should exercise utmost caution for their safety and restrict their movement to the minimum.

Separately, Germany's flagship airline Lufthansa has extended its suspension of flights to and from Tehran until Thursday and will not use Iranian airspace during that period.

America says threat is real and actionable

The United States has restricted personal travel by employees and their families in Israel outside of the Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and Beersheva areas.

U.S. National Security Council (NSC) spokesman John Kirby told reporters today that an imminent Iranian attack on Israel is a real and viable threat, adding that the U.S. will ensure that Israel has what it needs to defend itself.

General Eric Kurilla, America's top commander in the Middle East, is also visiting Israel for talks with military officials about security threats. His trip was postponed from its previously scheduled date due to recent circumstances, Defense Department spokesman Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder said Thursday.

Kurilla said the United States and Israel face possible threats after discussing tense relations with Iran with Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant on Friday.

We will work closely with our partners to defend ourselves on the ground and in the air and we will know how to respond, the Minister of Defense added.

Israel is preparing for an Iranian attack as early as Friday or Saturday, the Wall Street Journal reported Thursday, citing sources familiar with the matter.

Al Jazeeras Hamdah Salhut, reporting from East Jerusalem, said Israeli forces had announced that they were preparing for offense and defense on all fronts.

A few weeks ago, Israel raised its alert level, calling up reserves and strengthening its air defense systems, and Israeli officials said they were prepared for any situation.

Israel has bombed the Gaza Strip since October 7 and sent ground troops, killing at least 33,600 Palestinians and injuring more than 76,000. Hamas attacked southern Israel on October 7, killing more than 1,100 people there.

Israel has also stepped up attacks against Iranian agents and allies in Syria and Lebanon and has engaged in almost daily cross-border gunfights with the Lebanese group Hezbollah since the war began.




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