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Biden promises G7 response and unwavering US support for Israel after Iran attacks | Conflict News

Biden promises G7 response and unwavering US support for Israel after Iran attacks |  Conflict News


The US president reiterated his support for Israel in a call with Netanyahu, amid reports he is also opposed to a counterattack on Iran.

US President Joe Biden has condemned Iranian drone attacks on military installations in Israel, reiterating Washington DC's unwavering support and a coordinated diplomatic response from the Group of Seven (G7), even as reports began to emerge that he also sought to defuse the situation. .

Biden cut short his trip to Delaware and returned to the US capital to meet with advisers after Saturday night's attack, the White House said in a statement.

The statement said American forces and installations were not affected, adding that the United States helped Israel destroy almost all of the attacking drones and missiles.

The US president also reiterated his unwavering support for Israel's security during a call with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, with whom he has strained relations over Israel's handling of the war in Gaza.

I told him that Israel had demonstrated a remarkable ability to defend itself and defeat even unprecedented attacks, sending a clear message to its enemies that they could not effectively threaten Israel's security, Biden said, citing the White House.

Tomorrow, I will bring together my fellow G7 leaders to coordinate a united diplomatic response to Iran's brazen attack, he said.

Iran launched explosive drones and fired missiles at Israel on Saturday evening in its first direct attack on Israeli territory, a retaliatory strike that raised the threat of a wider regional conflict.

Tehran had vowed to retaliate for the Israeli attack on the Iranian embassy compound last week in Damascus, which killed a top commander of Iran's overseas Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds Force and six other officers.

Vigilant in the face of all threats

Biden said he had ordered the U.S. military to move ballistic missile defense planes and destroyers to the region over the past week.

Through these deployments and the extraordinary skills of our military, we have helped Israel destroy almost all incoming drones and missiles, he said.

Biden said his team would coordinate with regional counterparts and stay in close contact with Israeli leaders.

And although we have not seen attacks on our forces or installations today, we will remain vigilant against all threats and will not hesitate to take all necessary measures to protect our people, he said. he declares.

Amid the tensions, US media reported that Biden was seeking to defuse the situation.

James Bays, Al Jazeera's diplomatic editor, said that behind the scenes there is a lot of pressure on Israel to show restraint.

Media outlet Axios said Biden told Netanyahu in the same phone call that he would oppose an Israeli counterattack on Iran, advising the Israeli leader that he should achieve victory.

NBC said he also privately expressed concerns that Netanyahu was trying to draw the United States deeper into a broader conflict.

Meanwhile, CNN quoted a senior White House official as saying that Biden told Netanyahu that the United States would not participate in any offensive operations against Iran.

If he [Biden] There will be an all-out war, whose economic effects, oil prices and other factors would be catastrophic and potentially jeopardize his re-election efforts in November, Al Jazeeras Bays said.

On Saturday, Biden met with his top security officials in the White House Situation Room, including Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and CIA Director William Burns.

Biden had warned Iran of retaliation while predicting the attack was imminent.




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