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Masters 2024 tee times: Full pairings and UK start times for final round at Augusta National | golf news

Masters 2024 tee times: Full pairings and UK start times for final round at Augusta National |  golf news


Pairings and tee times for the third round of the 88th Masters Tournament at Augusta National Golf Club in Georgia.

Masters Final Round – Follow Live Updates

United States, unless specified; always BST; X stands for amateur.

Start from hole 1

1415 Adam Hadwin (Can), Vijay Singh (Fij)

1425 Jake Knapp, Grayson Murray

1435 Neil Shipley (x), Tiger Woods

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Watch the story of Tiger Woods' worst round in a major tournament at the Masters as he shot a 10-over 82 at Augusta National.

1445 Tom Kim (Kor), Denny McCarthy

1455 Kurt Kitayama, Torbjorn Olesen (The)

1505 Eric van Rooyen (Rsa), Eric Cole

1515 Jose Maria Olazabal (Esp), Camilo Villegas (Col)

Sunday Recommended Groups

1435 – Neil Shipley, Tiger Woods

1645 – John Rahm, Tony Finau 1745 – Rory McIlroy, Joaquin Niemann 1915 – Bryson DeChambeau, Xander Schauffele

1525 Russell Henry, Jason Day (Australia)

1535 Keegan Bradley, Lee Min-woo (Aus)

1545 Siwoo Kim (Cor), JT Poston

1605 Corey Connors (CAN), Brooks Koepka

1615: Phil Mickelson, Shane Lowry (Irl)

1625 Taylor Moore, Sahis Tigala

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Shane Lowry holed out for eagle in the third round of the Masters at Augusta National.

1635 Akshay Bhatia, Harris English

1645 Jon Rahm (Esp), Tony Finau

1655 Hideki Matsuyama (Jpn), Luke List

1705 Ryan Fox (Nzl), Rickie Fowler

Masters – Live

Sunday, April 14th 6:30 PM

1725 Danny Willett (England), Adam Scott (Australia)

1735 Joaquin Niemann (Chi), Will Zalatoris

1745 Rory McIlroy (NIrl), Joaquin Niemann (Chi)

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Rory McIlroy shot a 1-under 71 in the third round of the Masters, ending his hopes of a career Grand Slam at Augusta National.

1755 Mathieu Pabon (Female), Seb Straka (Aut)

1805 Matt Fitzpatrick (Eng), Patrick Reed

1815 Adam Schenck, Chris Kirk

Masters – Live

Sunday, April 14th at 3pm

1825 Patrick Cantlay, Lucas Glover

1845 Cameron Young, Tommy Fleetwood (Eng)

1855 An Byeong-hun (Korea), Cameron Smith (Australia)

1905 Cameron Davis (Australia), Nikolaj Hoygard (Den)

1915 Bryson DeChambeau, Xander Schauffelli

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Bryson DeChambeau kept his hopes of winning the Masters alive by finishing the third round with a sensational birdie on the 18th hole.

1925 Ludvig Åberg (Swe), Max Homa

1925 Scotty Scheffler, Colin Morikawa

Sky Sports Golf will present a live build-up program from 3pm, providing the latest news and occasional updates from Augusta National. At the same time, special groups will be available with Sky commentary from that time via the red button or by logging into Sky. Sports app.

Coverage will be available on Sky Sports Golf until the full program begins at 6.30pm, during which time further action will appear via the red button on Sky Q, Sky Glass, Sky + and Sky Sports Golf.

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