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Michigan football will be on three years of NCAA probation for recruiting violations during the COVID-19 pandemic

Michigan football will be on three years of NCAA probation for recruiting violations during the COVID-19 pandemic


Michigan's football program will be on three years of NCAA probation due to violations dating back to the COVID-19 dead period.

The NCAA's infractions committee has approved a negotiated resolution involving Michigan and five current or former staff members, it said Tuesday. As part of the resolution, Michigan agreed to pay a fine and staffers accepted one-year show-cause orders related to Level II violations.

Today's joint resolution targets the University of Michigan athletics department and several former and current employees, athletic director Warde Manuel said in a statement. We are pleased to have reached a resolution on this matter so that our student-athletes and our football program can move forward.

Jim Harbaugh, who left to coach the Los Angeles Chargers in January, is facing a Level I charge for his alleged failure to cooperate with the investigation. The Athletics December reported. The Harbaughs portion of the case will be handled separately by the Commission on Misdemeanors.

As part of the negotiated resolution, Michigan acknowledged that the underlying violations demonstrated a breach of head coach responsibility and that Harbaugh, who was not named in the release, failed to fulfill his responsibility to cooperate with the investigation.

Harbaugh disputed the accusation that he had not cooperated with the investigation and said in July that he had nothing to be ashamed of. The Committee on Infractions previously rejected a negotiated resolution that included a four-game suspension for Harbaugh, and Michigan instead suspended Harbaugh for the first three games of the 2023 season.

Tom Mars, an attorney representing Harbaugh, said he filed a lengthy response to the NCAA's Notice of Allegations on Harbaugh's behalf last month, closing coach Harbaugh's participation in the case. Mars disagreed with Michigan's decision to acknowledge the violations of head coach responsibility.

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I saw from Warde Manuel's statement that Michigan changed its position for the purpose of moving forward, which does not surprise me as Coach Harbaugh is no longer Michigan's head coach, Mars wrote in a text statement to The Athletics. I can almost hear the wheels on the bus boom, boom, but sometimes that's the way things go in college sports.

The underlying violations include impermissible personal contact with recruits during the COVID-19 dead period, impermissible tryouts and analysts performing coaching duties in practice. Sherrone Moore, now Michigan's head coach, served a one-game suspension to open the 2023 season, and Michigan also placed restrictions on recruiting visits. No current staff member will face additional suspensions as a result of the decision, an athletic department spokesperson confirmed.

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(Photo: Jaime Crawford/Getty Images)




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