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Britain considers sending troops to Gaza to distribute relief supplies | let's go

Britain considers sending troops to Gaza to distribute relief supplies |  let's go


Britain's Ministry of Defense is considering sending troops to Gaza to escort aid trucks from a huge sea dock built by the US military, a British MoD source said.

The dock is expected to be completed next month in the eastern Mediterranean and then pushed to the Gaza Strip coast. But US President Joe Biden has promised that US troops managing the project will not set foot there.

That means finding someone else to take on one of the most difficult and politically controversial parts of aid delivery.

One source said the UK's role within the Ministry of Defense was being considered, but a number of difficulties made that seem unlikely. It's not a done deal, and the mood music probably won't be either.

“The idea came about organically while the UK and US were discussing delivery of aid at the docks,” the source added.

No proposals have been sent to Chancellor Rishi Sunak for consideration, according to the BBC, which first reported the UK's possible role. The Ministry of Defense declined to comment.

Officials in Washington are probably looking for a partner willing to take enormous risks and undertake a mission with little upside other than currying Washington's favor.

Anyone driving a truck off the floating dock will be entering a combat zone where more than 200 humanitarian workers have been killed.

The April 1 Israeli bombing of an aid convoy run by World Central Kitchen killed seven international aid workers, raising security concerns about independent aid operations.

The level of desperation and hunger in northern Gaza means there is also the risk of huge crowds trying to reach trucks carrying aid. But the U.S. plan envisions aid being transported in trucks driven by Palestinians and unloaded in secure areas before being delivered across Gaza. .

In late February, Israeli forces opened fire on crowds gathered around a relief truck, killing at least 112 people and wounding more than 700. Israel has acknowledged that its troops opened fire but said people were either crushed to death or run over by aid trucks.

The U.S. dock was designed to prevent famine in northern Gaza, and the U.S. said it was designed to complement, not replace, land transportation. The ambition is to enable 90 trucks a day to supply goods to Gaza via the new sea route, increasing that number to 150.

But there are growing concerns in the humanitarian community about how useful it will be. When the United States uses innovative military technology to deliver relief to disaster areas, access is typically blocked by geography or hostile actors.

In Gaza, Israeli authorities have refused to open a cheaper and faster land route that would have allowed aid, despite repeated requests from the United States.

The United States and Israel said they were aiming to transport up to 500 trucks of aid per day. This roughly corresponds to pre-war levels, although the need was much lower, since the territory had a functioning economy and agricultural sector at that time.

Even if floating docks operate at full capacity, Gaza will need greater access by land, with average shipping volumes last month less than half that, according to UN figures.

There are also concerns that Israel is seeking to use the deliveries to subdue Unrwa, the United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees, a major food aid provider in the region. The United States announced last week that it would help the World Food Program (WFP) distribute aid inside Gaza after it arrives at the docks.




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