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Back To Black topped the UK-Ireland box office with a debut of 2.7 million units. Civil War begins for third time | News

Back To Black topped the UK-Ireland box office with a debut of 2.7 million units.  Civil War begins for third time |  News


Ranking Movie (distributor) Total revenue for 3 days (April 12-14) Total revenue to date 1st week Back to Black (Studio Canal) 2.7 million 2.7 million 1 2. Kung Fu Panda 4 (Universal) 1.8 million 17.3 million 3 3 . Civil War (entertainment film) 1.6m 1.8m 2 4. Godzilla

GBP to USD conversion rate: 1.26

Studiocanals' Amy Winehouse biopic Back To Black led the UK and Ireland box office this weekend with 2.7 million viewers.

Sam Taylor-Johnson's feature film, starring Marisa Abela as the late singer, opened in 719 theaters, its widest release of the year, averaging 3,853 theaters.

That's behind Paramount's Bob Marley: One Love, which debuted at 4.2m last February, and behind other British musician biopics, 2018's Bohemian Rhapsody (9.5m) and 2019's Rocketman (5.3m).

But Back To Black has surpassed Sony's Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance With Somebody with 1.4 million opening views in 2022 and has already surpassed the lifetime total of Taylor-Johnson's John Lennon biopic Nowhere Boy (1.4 million).

Along with Abella, the 2023 Screen Star of Tomorrow, the cast also includes Jack O'Connell as Blake Fielder-Civil, Eddie Marsan as Amy's father Mitch and Leslie Manville as her grandmother Cynthia. The screenplay was written by Matt Greenhalgh.

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In second place was Universals Kung Fu Panda 4, which added $1.8 million to the box office in its third weekend. The total animation length is now 17.3m.

Alex Garlands Civil War was released in 1.6m on 653 screens for the entertainment film distributor. This dystopian drama depicting the story of a war correspondent traversing a divided United States secured a total of 1.8 million viewers through its trailer.

This is 2022 <맨>(315,950) and 2015 <엑스 마키나>It is the highest-released film by a British director, surpassing (1.1 million). The cast is led by Kirsten Dunst, Nick Offerman, and Kaylee Spaeny. It first premiered at SXSW.

For Warner Bros., Godzilla

Sony's Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire recorded 787,034 in its fourth session, bringing its total to 14.1m.

It was the first time it missed the top five since its release seven weeks ago, after Warner Bros Dune: Part 2 added 567,644. The sequel earned $38.1 million and is currently one of the top 100 highest-grossing films at the UK box office.

In its second weekend, Universal's Monkey Man fell 49% to 387,036. The Dev Patel action title measures 1.7m.

Disney horror film The First Omen surpassed 1 million views in its second weekend with 260,465 points and 1.2 million views.

Universal animation Migration, still going strong in its 11th session, added 106,248 on 21m ports.

Trafalgar Live Concert Suga Released | Agust D Tour D-Day The Movie grossed 102,850 in its opening weekend. The K-pop musician tour movie was released on April 10 and recorded 220,582 cume.

Another box office hit, Studiocanals Wicked Little Letters, reached 58,168 views in its eighth week of release. With a gross of £9.2m, the film is one of the highest-grossing films in the UK since the pandemic.

The Sydney Sweeney thriller Immaculate scored 47,277 points in the fourth week of Black Bear play, bringing its cumulative point total to 1.7 million.

The Disney animated Luca made an additional 29,704 in its second weekend, for a cumulative gross of 220,723.

For Mubi, Wim Wenders Perfect Days continues its impressive box office performance. Oscar nominations fell just 38% to 28,139, and total cumulative views were 1.2 million.

Studiocanals Mothers Instinct still falls short of 1m after adding 25,360 in its third weekend for a total of 920,894.

Non-English Oscar nominee The Teachers Lounge opened to 24,349 from 37 venues for Curzon. Ilker Katax's German drama, which premiered at the 2023 Berlin International Film Festival Panorama, grossed 37,621 copies, including the trailer.

Vertigo Releasing Late Night With The Devil scored 22,211 points in its fourth session, for a total of 747,688 points.

Medieval Comedy Catch Them! It occupied 15,354 in its second weekend on Entertainment Film Distributors and currently stands at 243,580.

Victor Erice's Spanish-Argentine drama Close Your Eyes was released in 7,858 theaters in 10 theaters by New Wave Films and made 8,509 theaters, including previews.




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