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UK smoking ban: What will the new law do for you as an MP to vote for a smoke-free generation?

UK smoking ban: What will the new law do for you as an MP to vote for a smoke-free generation?


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MPs are due to vote on Tuesday on a landmark smoking bill that the government says will create Britain's first smoke-free generation.

The controversial bill, first announced in King's speech last November, is expected to pass the House of Commons today with a Labor-backed vote. However, this is not without opposition.

It is believed that up to 50 to 100 Conservative MPs may consider voting against Rishi Sunax's bill. However, members were given free votes by the government, meaning they were not told which way to vote. This will soften the blow for Mr Sunak in the event of a backbench revolt.

The new legislation has been backed by many medical organizations and health charities as a positive step towards tackling the UK's biggest preventable killer.

Health and Human Services Minister Victoria Atkins said: Too many people know someone whose life has been tragically shortened or irreversibly changed by smoking.

Despite significant progress, it remains the biggest preventable killer in the UK.

This Bill will save thousands of lives, ease the pressure on the NHS and improve productivity in the UK.

Will the new law ban smoking for everyone?

If this bill passes, anyone born after January 1, 2009 will be permanently banned from purchasing tobacco products. This means that today's 15-year-old from Generation Alpha will never be able to buy a pack of cigarettes.

Professor Steve Turner, from the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, supported the bill, citing the benefits for young people.

He said preventing children and young people from becoming addicted to nicotine and tobacco would reduce their chances of developing preventable diseases later in life and protect children from the harm caused by nicotine addiction.

But opponents of the bill argue that the smoking ban denies young people the right to make their own decisions as adults.

Simon Clark, director of Forest Smokers' Rights, told The Independent: Generational smoking bans will infantilize future generations of adults. When you turn 18, you are legally an adult and should be treated as such.

When you turn 18, you can drive a car, join the military, have a credit card, buy alcohol, vote, and even buy cigarettes and other tobacco products.

This is not about protecting children. The legal selling age is already 18, so if we want to stop children smoking we need to crack down on illegal sellers, not adults who choose to smoke.

Will the smoking ban affect vaping?

The ban on buying tobacco products will not extend to vaping products, the government has confirmed.

However, the bill would place several new restrictions on vaping products by limiting the flavors available and regulating packaging. These measures are aimed at making e-cigarettes less appealing to children.

Vaping can play a useful role in helping adult smokers quit smoking, but non-smokers and children should never vape, a Department of Health spokesperson said.

The long-term health effects of vaping are unknown, and the nicotine contained in vaping is highly addictive.

Why do some lawmakers oppose the bill?

The smoking bill has been criticized by some Conservative politicians as illiberal, risking creating a two-tier system where older people can buy cigarettes and younger adults cannot.

Former Tory prime ministers Liz Truss and Boris Johnson have spoken out against the bill, while MP Simon Clarke has criticized the optics.

In my opinion, there is a risk that it actually makes smoking cooler. This clearly risks creating a black market and creating unmanageable challenges for authorities, he said.

The smoking ban will be a world first and Britain's smoking ban will be one of the strictest in the world. New Zealand's new government recently withdrew similar policy plans due to political pressure.

Chris Whitty, England's chief medical officer, advised the government to ignore smoking advocates and lobbyists, telling BBC Radio 4s Today:

Many, many smokers wish they had never started, but they become addicted at a young age, fall into that trap, and that addiction leaves them with no choice.

This is one of the reasons why the claim that if you support choice, you prefer cigarettes is so surprising. Because cigarettes are a product designed to take away your choice.




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