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House of Representatives prepares to vote Saturday on $95 billion in aid to Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan

House of Representatives prepares to vote Saturday on $95 billion in aid to Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan


WASHINGTON The U.S. House of Representatives took another step Friday toward approving multibillion-dollar military and humanitarian aid for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, with Democrats providing crucial support to post-defection Republican leaders of their far-right members.

Lawmakers, in a largely bipartisan vote of 316-94, approved a rule Saturday that establishes the procedure for debating a handful of amendments and passing three separate bills, in a rare session of the weekend.

This rule also opens a debate on a so-called annex bill that would implement sanctions against China, Iran and Russia; ban social media site TikTok unless Chinese owner ByteDance sells it; approve a bipartisan bill to combat fentanyl; and many other measures.

The House is expected to take separate votes to approve the four bills, before combining them and sending a single package to the U.S. Senate. This chamber could vote to approve the measure as early as next week.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, a New York Democrat, said Friday that the chamber would move quickly to pass the package once it is submitted.

President Joe Biden said he would sign the package, a move that would end months of impasse over whether the United States would help Ukraine and Israel in ongoing wars. Aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan amounts to $95 billion.

A rational and thoughtful debate is required

The House debate over the rule has been largely bipartisan, although several Republicans have lamented Speaker Mike Johnson, a Louisiana Republican, for moving forward on aid to Ukraine, while some Democrats have argued that the process should have ended months ago.

Massachusetts Rep. Jim McGovern, the top Democrat on the Rules Committee, said he hoped lawmakers on Saturday would have a rational, thoughtful debate, knowing that we will have disagreements and knowing that some of us will have different ideas on how we should proceed. .

This is the United States House of Representatives. We're supposed to debate the issues, McGovern said. We're supposed to vote on things. And unfortunately, it has become a place where trivial issues are debated passionately and important issues are not discussed at all.

McGovern said he has very deep problems with unconditional aid to Israel, but said Johnson's decision to divide the bills into separate votes will allow each lawmaker to vote their conscience.

I believe Prime Minister (Benjamin) Netanyahu is putting Israel on a path that frankly undermines the security of his own country, McGovern said. And I am outraged by his cruelty and inhumanity towards the people of Gaza and the West Bank.

McGovern added that no one questions Israel's right to defend itself, but said he believed Israel's conduct toward civilians was outrageous and unconscionable.

Oklahoma Republican Rep. Tom Cole, chairman of the Appropriations Committee, said the rule creates a comprehensive and fair process for considering these measures.

It provides ample time to debate these bills and introduces a series of amendments, ensuring the entire body has the opportunity to assert its will and make our voices heard, Cole said. It ensures that MPs have a full 72 hours to review these bills before voting.

The bills the House will vote on Saturday, Cole said, are crucial to democracy.

Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan are at the forefront of the fight to preserve democracy and freedom around the world, he said. In the case of Ukraine and Israel, both countries are literally in danger.

Border security resurfaces

Texas Republican Rep. Chip Roy opposed approving the rule, saying GOP lawmakers must hold firm on key issues until they are able to pass the changes into law. border security in law.

We want to close and secure the border first. To that I say amen. And where is it, President Johnson? Roy said.

A trio of senators consisting of Oklahoma Republican James Lankford, Connecticut Democrat Chris Murphy and Arizona independent Kyrsten Sinema spent months negotiating a bipartisan border security bill and immigration before publishing it in February. Senate Republicans then blocked it from moving forward after demanding it in exchange for foreign aid.

Johnson is on thin ice with several members of the far-right Freedom Caucus, including Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Kentucky's Thomas Massie, who have both called for his resignation and could push for a motion to remove Johnson of management.

Others in that group, including Chairman Bob Good of Virginia, are frustrated with Johnson, although they do not want another prolonged public display of GOP disunity before the November election.

Foreign aid

House Republicans unveiled aid bills for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan on Wednesday. The vast majority of this funding would go to the U.S. Departments of Defense, Energy and State, which in turn would use these funds to help the three entities as well as others.

The bills are similar to the $95 billion spending package that the Senate approved in a largely bipartisan vote in February.

The rule approved Friday prohibited consideration of amendments to the Israel aid bill, but approved four amendments to the Ukraine bill, one amendment to the Indo-Pacific bill and two amendments to the TikTok sidecar and sanctions.

When the House approved the rule, both amendments to the TikTok bill were deemed approved.

House lawmakers proposed 137 amendments to the Ukraine bill, 84 amendments to the Israeli bill, 30 amendments to the Indo-Pacific spending bill and 68 amendments to the companion bill.

The White House issued an administration policy statement Friday urging both houses of Congress to quickly approve foreign aid bills.

The world is watching what Congress does. Passage of this legislation would send a powerful message about the strength of American leadership at a pivotal moment, according to the text. The Administration urges both houses of Congress to quickly send this additional funding to the President's desk.




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