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'Nothing more backward' than US funding for Ukraine's border security but not ours, conservatives say

'Nothing more backward' than US funding for Ukraine's border security but not ours, conservatives say


A $60 billion aid package for Ukraine, providing about $300 million to strengthen the country's border, has struck a chord with several lawmakers increasingly frustrated with the administration's handling of the crisis at the southern border of the United States.

On Saturday, the House of Representatives approved spending $60 billion to help Ukraine strengthen its defense against Russian invasion, by a vote of 311 to 112. Republicans were not unanimous in their approval of the measure , with 101 votes for the aid plan and 112 votes against.

The U.S. national debt is more than $34 trillion.

Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., unveiled the foreign aid plan earlier in the week, and the lack of border security measures has made allies wary of letting the bills move forward.


A meeting to advance the package ended Wednesday night without a vote because it included funding for Ukraine and not U.S. border security.

A group of more than 100 migrants trying to enter the United States rushed the border wall on March 21, 2024. (James Breeden for New York Post/Mega)

One of those Republican foreign aid hawks serving on the House Rules Committee was Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas. The House Rules Committee is the final hurdle before a bill comes to the House for a vote.

After the vote, Roy and others took to social media platform X to express their dissatisfaction with the foreign aid program.

“Today I voted no…These bills were introduced as part of an artificial process aimed at achieving a predetermined outcome, an unpaid, unpaid $100 billion foreign aid package. to secure the border,” Roy wrote.

“For months, House Republicans, particularly Speaker Mike Johnson, have been unequivocal that we will not send billions in additional aid to Ukraine without first securing our own border. “The package represents a complete reversal of a position that previously unified the Republican conference, despite the clear and present danger that the southern border poses to United States national security.”


Roy said he supported Ukraine's efforts to defeat Russia, but added that he could not support sending $60 billion in additional funding without the United States having a “clear mission ” and “necessary policy changes” to secure their own border.

Like Roy, Rep. Ben Cline, R-Va., voted against the package, citing “pressing problems” in the United States.


“States and cities across our country are grappling with the consequences of Biden's border crisis, inflation continues to squeeze the budgets of every American household, and our country is more than $34 trillion in debt” , Cline said. “As I continue to fight for the people of Virginia’s Sixth District, I urge my colleagues in Congress and the Biden Administration to listen to the American people and prioritize their concerns.”

House Freedom Caucus member Eric Burlison also spoke.

“Republicans control the House and we should leverage that to secure our border. Unfortunately, the United Party is working to secure Ukraine's borders instead of our own border,” he said. “This needs to stop, we should put AMERICA first!”

Tensions flare on the House floor as conservatives confront Johnson over $95 billion foreign aid plan.

Burlison, Cline and Roy could not be reached for comment on the matter.

According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection sources, there were more than 7,000 contacts at the southern border on Friday, following two straight days of around 6,500 people. In previous weeks, the number of meetings had exceeded 4,000.


“We are beyond disappointed that the House has provided assistance to secure foreign borders but has done nothing to enable the Border Patrol to keep the United States safe,” Brandon Judd told Fox News , chairman of the National Border Patrol Council. . “There's nothing retrograde anymore. I didn't even expect the taxpayers' money. They could have given us a policy, and that would have been enough.”

Elizabeth Elkind and Bill Melugin of Fox News Digitals contributed to this report.

Greg Wehner is a breaking news reporter for Fox News Digital.

Story tips can be sent to [email protected] and on Twitter @GregWehner.




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