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Whooping cough outbreak in UK: Sounds, vaccines and everything you need to know as five babies die

Whooping cough outbreak in UK: Sounds, vaccines and everything you need to know as five babies die


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Five babies have died in the UK after being diagnosed with whooping cough, prompting a warning about the disease.

As of 2024, more than 2,700 cases of whooping cough have been reported across the UK. This is more than three times the figure recorded for all of last year.

New UK Health and Security Agency (UKHSA) figures show 2,793 cases were reported by the end of March.

This compares to 858 for all of 2023.

UKHSA said there were five infant deaths between January and the end of March.

UKHSA consultant epidemiologist Dr Gayatri Amirthalingam said: Whooping cough can affect people of all ages, but can be very serious in very young babies.

Our thoughts and condolences are with the family who so tragically lost their baby.

According to provisional data, 1,319 cases were reported in March alone.

Five babies have died after being diagnosed with pertussis (PA) in the UK this year (PA archive)

The bacterial infection, also known as whooping cough or whooping cough, can be especially serious in very young children and, in very rare cases, can be fatal.

The numbers tend to increase every few years, and we believe the increase in social contact since the pandemic is now playing a part.

Always consult your doctor for an accurate diagnosis and treatment advice, and seek urgent help if you have signs of difficulty breathing.

What does whooping cough sound like?

While many coughs are caused by the common cold virus, whooping cough is a bacterial infection (the medical term for whooping cough).

Whooping cough often presents as a normal cough or cold at first, but you may notice symptoms getting worse after a week or two, says Dr. Kathryn Basford, of Zava, an online doctor. While a typical cough may go away within a few weeks and feel mild, whooping cough can last much longer, even months.

The main difference to note between a mild cough and whooping cough is its intensity. Whooping cough involves a strong coughing sound, especially at night, and a high-pitched whooping cough, especially when the person has difficulty breathing. Vomiting, flushing, and difficulty breathing may also occur.

And unlike a normal cough, whooping cough is much more contagious. If you have not yet been vaccinated against whooping cough, it is recommended that you see your doctor to get vaccinated. Early diagnosis and treatment are important to prevent complications and spread.

How do you catch whooping cough?

Whooping cough is a highly contagious respiratory disease that spreads through the air through tiny droplets expelled when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Basford says these droplets can be inhaled by others nearby.

Bacteria can also remain on surfaces touched by an infected individual and can be transmitted indirectly by someone else touching the surface and then touching their eyes, nose, or mouth. That's why maintaining good respiratory hygiene, including washing your hands frequently and covering your mouth when coughing or sneezing, is important to prevent the spread.

Experts urge pregnant women to get the whooping cough vaccine to protect their babies (PA) (PA archive)

Is whooping cough contagious to adults?

Basford explains: Whooping cough most commonly affects young children, but adults can also get it. Adults usually experience milder symptoms than children.

Can whooping cough be serious?

Whooping cough can certainly be serious, especially in young babies who have not yet been vaccinated. Young children, in particular, may have trouble breathing during a coughing fit, which can lead to complications such as pneumonia and, in some rare and serious cases, death, Basford warns. Even in adults, persistent coughing can be debilitating, causing sleep problems and making daily activities difficult.

How else can you prevent it?

The best way to avoid serious whooping cough is to get vaccinated. This vaccine is given to your baby as part of the routine NHS immunization schedule and then as part of the kindergarten booster immunization. Pregnant women should also be vaccinated to protect their babies after they are born. This is available for between 16 and 32 weeks.

How is whooping cough treated?

Treatment for whooping cough depends on several factors, including age and how long the cough has lasted. Infants younger than 6 months are at higher risk for complications and often require hospitalization and special treatment, Basford says.

If diagnosed early (within 3 weeks), antibiotics may be helpful. Medication may not make you feel better any faster, but it plays an important role in stopping the spread. However, if it has been more than 3 weeks, antibiotics may not help because you are likely no longer contagious.

Focus on symptom management. Get plenty of rest, stay hydrated, and use a cool mist humidifier to relieve coughing. Pain relievers such as ibuprofen or paracetamol may also help relieve discomfort.




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