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UK cancels visa of law student citing pro-Palestinian protests | Israel Gaza War News

UK cancels visa of law student citing pro-Palestinian protests |  Israel Gaza War News


The UK has canceled the visa of a Palestinian student who participated in a pro-Palestinian protest at university.

Dana Abuqamar told Al Jazeera that following comments she made during last year's protests, the Interior Ministry revoked her visa, deeming her a national security threat.

During this genocide, the British Home Office decided to cancel my student visa following public statements supporting Palestinian rights under international law to resist repression and break the siege that has been imposed illegally on the Gaza Strip for over 16 years. Abu Qamar said. Palestine Friends at the University of Manchester.

Freedom of expression is a basic human right, but it doesn't seem to apply to minorities, especially Muslims like me and Palestinians.

Last year, a 19-year-old law student revealed that she lost 15 family members during Israel's war on Gaza.

A Palestinian woman walks down the stairs of a house damaged by Israeli attacks in Rafah, May 9, 2024. [File: Hatem Khaled/Reuters]

Abu Qamar, who is in his final year of studies, said he felt proud of the pro-Palestinian events held after Hamas attacked Israel on October 7.

“We are absolutely delighted with what has happened,” she said.

But she later told the BBC that her comments had been misinterpreted and that the death of innocent civilians should never be tolerated.

Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, launched an unprecedented incursion into southern Israel on October 7. During the attack, 1,390 people were killed and hundreds were taken prisoner. It sharply escalated the historic Israeli-Palestinian conflict, triggering Israel's latest and deadliest war on the Gaza Strip.

To date, around 35,000 Palestinians have been killed in the area, many of them reduced to rubble.

A spokesperson for the Interior Ministry told Al Jazeera in a statement that it does not comment on individual cases.

However, they added that residence permits may be revoked if people are involved in, or have been implicated in, unacceptable or extremist behavior that could lead to inter-communal violence, such as activities that promote hatred. With people involved in terrorism.

In recent weeks, activists at British universities have joined a global student-led movement calling for an end to war on campuses.

But the encampment, which has centered around universities divesting companies that support Israel's war effort, has come under criticism from officials and some Jewish groups over alleged anti-Semitic abuse at protests.

On Thursday, British Chancellor Rishi Sunak called on university presidents to take a zero-tolerance approach to discrimination and announced 500,000 pounds ($626,000) in funding for university Jewish pastoral services to provide welfare services to Jewish students.

Universities should be places of rigorous debate as well as bastions of tolerance and respect for all members of the community, Sunak said.

A small number of voices on our campus are disrupting the lives and academics of their fellow students, and in some cases, spreading outright harassment and anti-Semitic abuse. That has to stop.

The UK has never witnessed violent scenes on campus like the US, including strong police crackdowns and clashes between protesters and counter-demonstrators.

The British students said their rally was peaceful and that many Jewish undergraduates and academics had joined them.

Earlier this week, the Jewish Group for Justice in Palestine at the University of Cambridge and the Jewish Society of the London School of Oriental and African Studies pledged their support for the pro-Palestinian protests.




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