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UK rioters found guilty in court as more violence expected over weekend

UK rioters found guilty in court as more violence expected over weekend
UK rioters found guilty in court as more violence expected over weekend


The government said it was “highly prepared” to deal with any potential disruption in the coming days.


Courts across the UK are handing down sentences for people involved in far-right riots in parts of England and Northern Ireland last week, with fears the violence could continue this weekend.

Several cases have already been rushed to judges in recent days, with the longest sentence handed down so far being three years in prison. Prime Minister Keir Starmer has vowed to make the rioters feel the “full force of the law”.

The British government is hoping a swift and harsh ruling will curb further unrest as fears grow that more riots could break out as the football season begins this weekend.

The wave of far-right violence was initially sparked by the stabbing murder of three young girls at a dance studio in Southport, northwest England, on July 29.

Fueled by misinformation online, xenophobic groups began to denounce Britain’s Muslim and immigrant communities. However, these accusations proved unfounded, and they began to attack Muslim and foreign-owned businesses and individuals across Britain.

Since then, the outrage has been stoked by far-right agitators and even tech billionaire Elon Musk via social media platform X, with false claims of media bias and a two-tiered policing system.

On Wednesday evening, police had braced for another round of riots, but things appeared to change when thousands of peaceful anti-racism protesters took to the streets instead.

Nonetheless, Justice Minister Nick Thomas-Symonds told the BBC on Friday that the government was heading into the weekend in a “high state of readiness”, pointing to the speed with which the courts were processing offenders and the deployment of specialist police to help quell unrest.

In a separate interview with Sky News, Thomas-Symonds warned people against attending peaceful anti-riot protests while police forces are working to tackle the crisis.

“I was talking to police officers yesterday about the stress they're under, the hours they're working, and I don't think it's going to help at all for politicians to bring more people out onto the streets,” he said.

“Nevertheless, we must distinguish between Britain’s tradition of peaceful protest, which is so much part of our politics, and the violent assaults we have seen on our streets,” he added.

Among those arrested so far in connection with the riots are children as young as 11, a 15-year-old boy who confessed to throwing a pavement tile at someone's head and a 14-year-old boy who pleaded guilty to throwing a firecracker into the crowd.




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