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How does voting work in American elections? | US Election News 2024

How does voting work in American elections? | US Election News 2024


As Election Day in the United States approaches, many Americans have already voted early, in person or by mail. Others will vote in person at registered voting booths on Tuesday.

Here's how voting works in the United States:

Who organizes elections in the United States?

The United States does not have a centralized electoral system.

While the Federal Election Commission enforces federal campaign finance laws, including monitoring donations and public financing of presidential campaigns, the elections themselves are run by local authorities in each state.

These authorities adhere to local, state, and federal laws and are guided by the U.S. Constitution. Therefore, election rules vary by state. According to Ballotpedia, in 2020, more than 10,000 local entities administered elections in the United States.

What time do polling stations open and close?

The schedule depends on the state and municipality. Some polling places in Vermont, for example, open as early as 5 a.m. Eastern Time (ET) (10:00 GMT), in a country with six time zones.

In many states, polls open between 7 a.m. and 8 a.m. ET (12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. GMT), including Georgia, Pennsylvania, Iowa and Florida.

In Hawaii, polls don't open until noon ET (5:00 p.m. GMT), which is 7:00 a.m. local time.

Polls close between 7:00 p.m. ET and 1:00 a.m. ET (00:00 to 06:00 GMT).

How do voters vote?

In the United States, no one is required by law to vote. The United States does not have an online voting system.

Voters are assigned polling stations in each constituency. These locations are typically public buildings, such as convention centers, libraries, schools and community centers.

In these locations, voters enter private voting booths to fill out their ballots.

You can find your polling place by entering your details into your state's poll locator portal using this link by the nonpartisan, nonprofit organization

Hand-marked ballots

In the United States, most voters vote with hand-marked paper ballots. Typically, voters fill in an oval or square next to the name of their preferred candidate.

Nearly 70 percent of registered voters live in jurisdictions that use hand-marked paper ballots, according to the nonpartisan organization Verified Voting, based in Philadelphia.

Ballot marking devices

Some jurisdictions provide ballot marking devices (BMDs) that allow voters to vote on a digital device. The machine then produces a paper record of the vote. About 25 percent of registered voters live in jurisdictions that use BMDs for all voters.

Direct recording electronic voting

A small number of voters voted using a direct recording electronic voting (DRE) system, in which voters press a button or touch screen to vote, which is then transmitted directly to the computer system. In 2020, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee and Texas used DRE machines, according to the Council of State Governments website.

Some DRE systems are connected to a voter-verified paper audit trail printer, which produces a paper record of each vote that voters can confirm before their vote is entered into the computer.

Five percent of registered voters live in jurisdictions that use DREs for all voters.

How many people have already voted in the United States?

All U.S. states allow voters to cast ballots before Election Day. Voting by mail is the most common method of early voting. All but three states also allow in-person voting before Election Day.

In Alabama, early voting began on September 11 when the state distributed mail-in ballots.

As of Sunday, 77,317,453 people in the United States had already voted, according to an AP News tracker. It is estimated that more than 230 million people are eligible to vote in the United States. But only 160 million of them are registered to vote, and not all of them will actually vote.

What ID is required to vote in the United States?

It depends on the state.

Thirty-five states require voters to present a valid ID. For 25 of these states, it must be a photo ID. Commonly accepted forms of identification include a driver's license or passport. Fifteen states do not require voters to show identification at polling places. For example, Nevada does not require voters to bring identification. Instead, voters are asked to sign their name at the polling place, and that signature is compared to the signature and ID they provided when registering to vote.

Some states that do not require ID still require voters to show their ID if it is their first time voting or if they did not provide a valid ID at the time of registration.

How is the vote counting carried out?

In the United States, there is no federal vote counting system and vote counting is left to the discretion of the states.

Hand-marked paper ballots and BMD-marked ballots are typically counted using optical scanners and then tabulated digitally to obtain a final tally. Different states have different methods for recounting and verifying the final tally.

States have until December 11 to certify their election results.

What happens next?

The president is not elected directly by popular vote but by the electoral college.

Under this system, each state has the same number of electors in the Electoral College as its number of seats in the United States House of Representatives and Senate. The United States has a total of 538 electors, appointed by parties and who are almost always party officials or supporters. To win, a candidate needs 270 Electoral College votes.

These electors will meet on December 17 of this year to vote for president and vice president.

All but two states have a winner-take-all system in choosing their electors, meaning all Electoral College votes go to the candidate who wins the most votes.

The only exceptions are Maine and Nebraska, whose Electoral College votes could be split between the parties. Their distribution is based on the popular vote within the state and at the congressional district level.

There have been cases in previous elections in which voters objected to the state's vote and voted for another candidate. They are called faithless voters.

In the highly unlikely but not impossible event of a tie of 269 votes each, the U.S. House of Representatives would decide the next president in what is known as a contingent election. Each state delegation in the lower house of Congress would have one vote. A candidate must receive a majority of these votes to win.

The U.S. Senate would then choose the vice president, with each senator having one vote and a simple majority (51 votes) required to win.

This means that it is theoretically possible that Trump will be elected president alongside Democratic vice-presidential candidate Tim Walz or that Harris will be elected alongside Republican vice-presidential candidate JD Vance.




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