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Lake-effect snow blankets the US Midwest and Great Lakes region

Lake-effect snow blankets the US Midwest and Great Lakes region


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A similar storm blanketed the streets of Buffalo, New York in December 2022.

A lake-effect storm slammed parts of the Great Lakes region Friday evening, closing highways on one of the busiest travel days of the year in the United States.

Communities along the shores of Lake Erie and Lake Ontario – in New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio – have been blanketed in snow, with the National Weather Service (NWS) urging residents to stay indoors. 'interior.

Nearly 30 inches of snow had already fallen in spots along Lake Erie, the NWS said Saturday, and up to 6 feet of snow was expected to accumulate by Monday.

As snow accumulated, an arctic blast spread across the Northern Plains and Midwest, pushing frigid air across the region.

From Minnesota to Texas, temperatures were expected to drop by double digits as cold air swept across the record-warming Great Lakes, causing the first lake-effect snowfall of the season.

Common in winter in this region of the United States and Canada, lake-effect snow occurs when very cold air passes through relatively warm lake waters.

These types of storms can cause significant, albeit fairly localized, snowfall.

“Roads, especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slippery and hazardous,” the NWS said in its Saturday morning forecast, adding that visibility could drop below a quarter mile due to snowfall. and blowing snow. Whiteout conditions are expected in some areas of the region, the NWS warned.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul declared a state of emergency in 11 of New York's 62 counties due to the storm. She told Spectrum News on Friday that state officials were “prepared for the worst.”

We are so used to this kind of storm, Hochul said. We don't like it, but it's part of who we are as New Yorkers, especially in Western New York and the North Country.

Some localized areas will be paralyzed due to lake snow, with some highways also heavily affected, the National Weather Service in New York said.

Road closures in the region included a stretch of Interstate 90 in Pennsylvania, disrupting travelers between Cleveland, Ohio and Buffalo, New York on one of the busiest travel weekends of the year, after the Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday.

According to AAA, the automobile organization, about 80 million people are expected to travel for Thanksgiving this year.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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