600 Covid cases identified as Ireland approaches the 5 million vaccination mark
The Ministry of Health has confirmed an additional 600 cases of Covid-19 and 64 hospitalizations due to the virus, 16 of which are in the intensive care unit.
In a statement, Chief Medical Officer Dr. Tony Holohan said he “has come a long way” on his journey through Covid as Ireland approaches the milestone of 5 million vaccinations.
“Tomorrow will be 500 days after the first case of Covid-19 was reported in Ireland.
“We have come a long way on this difficult journey and have made many sacrifices in our collective efforts to limit the transmission of this disease.
“As we approach the 5 millionth dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, we have great hopes for the future.
“Our vaccination program is working and the level of community protection against the virus is increasing day by day. Fully vaccinated people continue to make positive public health choices and become social. You should feel safe to increase contact and take advantage of new freedoms in their daily lives, “he said.
“We have come and know that it is difficult to continue public health measures, but we minimize the risk of delta mutants, which are highly contagious strains that pose a significant threat. Continued individual efforts are required to control it. Unvaccinated or partially vaccinated.
“We are currently experiencing a worrisome increase in the incidence of daily cases, especially in groups aged 16-29. If unvaccinated or partially vaccinated. Should pay a high degree of attention to this summer’s activities.
“It is imperative to avoid congestion, carefully manage contacts, wear masks, keep a safe distance from others, and vaccinate when provided,” said the CMO.
Dr. Ronan Glynn, CMO, states that the proportion of cases caused by the Delta variant has increased rapidly over the past four weeks.
The number of cases has increased from 5% in early June to about 70% now.
“Based on the available scientific evidence, Delta variants appear to be up to twice as infectious as the virus we were dealing with last year,” Dr. Grin said in a Twitter video today.
Over the last two weeks, Ireland’s 14-day incidence has increased by 30%.
The average number of cases over a five-day period has increased from just over 300 cases per day to nearly 500 cases per day, and despite the increasing number of people participating in the test, the positive rate has begun to rise.
You’ve heard a lot about #delta Variant # COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) Over the past few weeks.
In this video I will explain:
ℹ️ Why are we worried
ℹ️ Which region of the country is most affected?
ℹ️ Importance of vaccination when provided
ℹ️ How to stay— Dr. Ronan Glynn (@ronan_glynn) July 12, 2021
“So far, some parts of the country, such as Donegal, Waterford and Dublin, have been affected more than others, but Sligo, Limerick, Roscommon and Meath have also seen high or increasing cases. You can, “he said.
Dr. Grin said hospitalizations remained low, but there was an increase in “concerns” about hospitalizations that were closely monitored.
Dr. Grin said there are other concerns about delta mutants as they also appear to infect those who receive only one vaccination schedule for two doses.
“We are concerned about the impact of delta variants on Irish disease, but the risks posed by delta variants do not change this reality.
“Everything you have done over the last 18 months to protect yourself, your family, and your friends remains effective.
“Prioritize who you need to meet. Remember that the fewer people you meet, the less likely the virus will spread to you or by you.
“Avoid crowds and do not meet in large groups. If possible, meet outsiders, and if you meet indoors, make sure the windows are open and the room is well ventilated.
“Wear a mask and wash your hands or use hand sanitizers regularly. Especially if you have a cold or flu-like symptom, assume it is a COVID and inspect it in isolation. Please receive, “he said.
Approximately 2 million travel certificates will be issued today.
These certificates will pave the way for people to travel seamlessly throughout the European Union from 19 July.
However, Tánaiste Leo Varadkar states that it will take some time before the EU Digital Covid Certificate is sent to everyone who has been fully vaccinated against the virus.
The certificate provides evidence of vaccination, evidence of recovery from infection in the last 6 months, or negative evidence of PCR testing within 72 hours of travel.
“It’s a huge undertaking led by the Government Procurement Department with the help of the Revenue Commission,” Varadkar said.
“I don’t think everyone gets a digital certificate today. It may take a little longer.”
Those who sign up and are vaccinated through one of the mass vaccination centers around Ireland will receive a Digital Covid certificate by email.
However, those who receive the jab at a general practitioner’s pharmacy will receive the certificate by mail.
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