How Do Sexually Transmitted Diseases Affect Childbirth?
Dr. Aindri Sanial
There are many factors that can affect the birth of women as well as men. It can be an unhealthy life choice such as diet, sedentary lifestyle choices, lethargy. One major factor that makes women and men equally blind is sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Sexually transmitted diseases are involved in many infertility problems and are a problem for many people.
What is STD?
A sexually transmitted disease or a disease commonly known as STD is a disease, infection, or illness that can spread from one person with a sexually transmitted disease to another and has unprotected sex. Very common in people. Some sexually transmitted diseases do not cause symptoms, so many people with sexually transmitted diseases are unaware that they can spread. People with sexually transmitted infections and symptoms may also suffer from redness and inflammation around the genitals. They may also be able to see some bumps and rashes around the genitals. Girls may also see unusual vaginal discharge.
How Does STD Affect Women’s Childbirth?
One of the most common sexually transmitted diseases in the world is chlamydia. It can be transferred from one partner to another through unprotected sex. Sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia can infect the cervix, throat, anus, eyes, and urethra. The urethra is a thin tube that connects to the bladder through which urine passes. If left untreated, rather than diagnosed, chlamydia can spread further into the body and infect the uterus and fallopian tubes (the connection between the uterus and ovaries). When the body detects a sexually transmitted disease, the immune system tries to fight the infection.
When STDs are counteracted and immune system cells die, they generally form secretions. Inflammation that occurs in the cervix, uterus, or fallopian tubes is called pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). PID can manifest itself as mild abdominal pain that can be overlooked if a woman mistakes it for menstrual pain. It can also cause pain and bleeding during or after sexual intercourse. PID can block the fallopian tubes and cause scarring, which can lead to infertility, because sperm released during ejaculation may not be able to pass through the fallopian tubes and fertilize the eggs.
Damaged or damaged fallopian tubes can also affect the process of moving a fertilized egg through the tube toward the uterus at the beginning of pregnancy. The released egg can connect to the fallopian tubes. Then start development there. This is called an ectopic pregnancy and can be very dangerous.
Some sexually transmitted diseases, such as chlamydia, can be transmitted from the mother to the baby during childbirth and can cause infection in the eyes of the newborn.
How does STD affect male childbirth?
It repeats the fact that one of the detrimental effects on male childbirth and sperm function is sexually transmitted diseases, and the most dangerous may be chlamydia. Chlamydia is generally asymptomatic and is not diagnosed. If this is the case, the main concern is that sperm can be damaged. Chlamydia is a bacterium that attaches to sperm and kills / destroys sperm early. Therefore, if you look at the male sperm of Chlamydia, you will see a lot of dead and dying sperm (although you can’t see the bacteria). STDs can impair sperm production.
Which sexually transmitted diseases can affect pregnancy?
There are several sexually transmitted infections that can affect your pregnancy:
How to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases?
Chlamydia and other sexually transmitted diseases
Use condoms and other latex barriers
Use water-based lubricants during sexual intercourse
Get regular sexual health checkups
If you are diagnosed with a STD, make sure you or your healthcare provider notify your sexual partner.
Get tested for sexually transmitted diseases on a regular basis. The STD test is different. Some are blood tests, some take urine, and some still use saliva swabs or secretions to see if they have a sexually transmitted infection. If you are sexually active, we recommend that you take the test at least once a year.
(The writer is Fertility Consultant from Nova IVF Fertility in Kolkata)
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